
We aim to be the brain base of Turkey...

While establishing Üsküdar University, we chose ourselves a principle. We aimed to summit by differentiating each area from the way of saying "Those who go from the road that everyone goes to, reach the same goal". With this target we have determined our roadmap and are moving forward. We took the first step with establishing our university. Today, Üsküdar University Behavioral Sciences and Health is the first and only thematic university.

Among the basic tasks of the universities are education, research and development studies, project production and provide occupation.

Prof. Dr. K. Nevzat TARHAN

For universities that are knowledge production sites, it is time to pull down this information from the shelves. Making the information available to the community is among the basic tasks of the new generation universities. At this point, university-industry business collaboration is of great importance.

As Üsküdar University, we aimed to be an educational institution without alternative in clinical and practical facilities for our students with over 40 laboratories. We offer unique training with both practice and clinical facilities in subjects such as brain stimulation, neuroimaging laboratories and health physics. In the field of Computer Engineering, we present to the scientists who will come the opportunity of scientific education in the clinical infrastructure of "Brain Computer Interface (BCI)" and artificial intelligence studies in health information which is one of the important professions of the future. Software psychology training aimed at user-friendly software development is also one of the differences that we bring to this field.

Üsküdar University students, who receive lectures from the expert scientists formed a giant academic staff, they make observations in the laboratory based on the behavior of functions on brain as well as have the opportunity to practice what they have learned in Turkey's first neuropsychiatry the hospital, NPİSTANBUL Neuropsychiatry Hospital and the Clinics.

One of the most important goals is to establish Turkey’s first Brain Park. We aim with this project is to bring together neuroscience, engineering, health sciences, social sciences and multidisciplinary all of the base of the brain and be the first brain base of Turkey. US President Barack Obama gathered the institutes known as NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH in April 2013 and gave a 14-minute presentation on Brain Park, declaring to the whole world what they had done for brainwork. As Üsküdar University, we regard the information that will be formed with these researches as the most important information in the Brain Project and act with the same sensitivity. We have the mind power and the team to generate the Brain Project. As Üsküdar University, we are proud and happy to be in this great project.