Research Groups

Research Groups

Ancient and Contemporary Working Group

Number of Publications : 7

Number of Congress : 5

Other Activities : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Number of Books : 0

Biochemical Calculations Working Group

Number of Projects : 4

Number of Publications : 4

Number of Congress : 3

Number of Books : 1

Other Activities : 0

Bioengineering Working Group

Number of Congress : 27

Number of Publications : 15

Number of Projects : 13

Number of Books : 5

Other Activities : 3

Biological Activities Working Group

Number of Publications : 5

Number of Books : 5

Number of Congress : 3

Other Activities : 2

Number of Projects : 1

Business and Working Ethics Group Working Group

Number of Congress : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Child and Climate Studies

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Child Mental Health Working Group
Computational Biology and In-silico Working Group

Number of Congress : 28

Number of Publications : 16

Number of Projects : 5

Number of Books : 1

Other Activities : 0

Computational Biology Working Group

Number of Publications : 5

Number of Projects : 1

Other Activities : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Current Approaches in Health Sciences Working Group

Number of Congress : 5

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Books : 0

Current Approaches in Nutrition and Dietetics Working Group

Number of Congress : 3

Number of Publications : 2

Number of Books : 2

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Current Approaches to Social Problems Working Group

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Department of Sociology Working Group

Number of Congress : 59

Other Activities : 37

Number of Publications : 26

Number of Books : 21

Number of Projects : 9

Design Science Study and Practice Group

Number of Congress : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Digital Game Studies and Addiction Research Group

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Electromagnetic Research Working Group

Number of Publications : 14

Number of Congress : 14

Number of Projects : 6

Number of Books : 2

Other Activities : 0

Engineering and Health Science Group (EHS) Working Group

Number of Projects : 3

Other Activities : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Epidemiological Research Working Group

Number of Publications : 43

Number of Congress : 26

Number of Projects : 5

Number of Books : 4

Other Activities : 1

Faculty of Communication Working Group

Number of Congress : 8

Other Activities : 3

Number of Books : 2

Number of Projects : 1

Number of Publications : 0

Families Working Group at the University

Other Activities : 76

Number of Books : 7

Number of Projects : 5

Number of Congress : 1

Number of Publications : 0

Forensic Sciences Working Group

Other Activities : 91

Number of Congress : 77

Number of Publications : 25

Number of Projects : 20

Number of Books : 10

Gerontology Working Group
Innovation and R&D Working Group in Midwifery

Number of Projects : 17

Other Activities : 8

Number of Books : 6

Number of Publications : 5

Number of Congress : 3

Intelligent Systems Working Group

Number of Publications : 7

Number of Congress : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Books : 0

Medical Visual Design Technologies Working Group
Midwifery and Current Developments Article Working Group

Number of Congress : 67

Other Activities : 27

Number of Publications : 17

Number of Books : 16

Number of Projects : 14

Midwifery Research and Publication Group Working Group

Number of Publications : 3

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Molecular Biotechnology Working Group

Number of Publications : 32

Number of Projects : 19

Other Activities : 19

Number of Congress : 7

Number of Books : 1

Multidisciplinary Health Research Working Group

Other Activities : 5

Number of Publications : 3

Number of Congress : 3

Number of Projects : 0

Number of Books : 0

New Media and Urban Research Working Group

Number of Books : 5

Other Activities : 2

Number of Congress : 2

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Care Working Group

Number of Congress : 10

Other Activities : 3

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Books : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Pharmacology and Toxicology Working Group

Number of Publications : 22

Number of Books : 8

Number of Congress : 5

Other Activities : 4

Number of Projects : 3

Political Science and International Relations Working Group

Number of Congress : 8

Other Activities : 3

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Books : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Polyamine and Schizophrenia Working Group

Number of Projects : 8

Number of Congress : 2

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Books : 1

Other Activities : 0

Positive Aging Working Group

Other Activities : 9

Number of Projects : 5

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Positive Psychology Working Group

Other Activities : 10

Number of Congress : 8

Number of Publications : 4

Number of Projects : 1

Number of Books : 1

Psycho-Social Approaches in Working Life Working Group

Other Activities : 9

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Congress : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Number of Books : 0

Public Health and Health Policy Working Group

Number of Congress : 9

Number of Publications : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Other Activities : 0

Number of Books : 0

R&D and Innovation Working Group for Human Health

Other Activities : 5

Number of Projects : 3

Number of Congress : 2

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Red Crescent Projects Working Group

Other Activities : 1

Number of Projects : 0

Number of Publications : 0

Number of Books : 0

Number of Congress : 0

Social Innovation Projects Working Group

Other Activities : 270

Number of Books : 10

Number of Publications : 9

Number of Congress : 6

Number of Projects : 5

Sufi Studies Working Group

Number of Books : 43

Number of Publications : 28

Other Activities : 15

Number of Congress : 4

Number of Projects : 1

Therapeutic Brain Mapping and Neurotechnology Working Group

Number of Publications : 83

Other Activities : 44

Number of Congress : 43

Number of Projects : 10

Number of Books : 6

Visual Studies Research Working Group

Other Activities : 170

Number of Congress : 18

Number of Books : 9

Number of Publications : 3

Number of Projects : 0

Working Group on Health Services in Disasters
Working Group on Improving Nursing Education

Number of Congress : 7

Number of Publications : 4

Other Activities : 3

Number of Books : 2

Number of Projects : 0

Working Group on Measurement Tool Development and Adaptation in Social Sciences

Other Activities : 259

Number of Publications : 29

Number of Congress : 20

Number of Books : 11

Number of Projects : 0

Working Group on the Development of Nursing Research and Practices

Number of Congress : 21

Number of Publications : 11

Other Activities : 7

Number of Projects : 6

Number of Books : 3