Prof. Dr. Ercüment Özdoğan Simulated Patient Laboratory

In order to carry out medical education in the best way, the presence of the simulated patient and simulated patient laboratories is very important. The presence of simulated patients playing the scenario of various diseases, as well as those with the necessary skills as a result of the training given, is the basis of the work. In our Prof. Dr. Ercüment Özdoğan Simulated Patient Laboratory, it is being asked from the simulated patient to play the role during the application, the student's behaviors are observed, the entire interview is evaluated through the checklist and the feedback is given to the students, according to their rules.

With the simulated patients in our Simulated Patient Laboratory, real hospital equipment and medical supplies are aimed at improving students' all semiological approach skills necessary for medical practice. They are also taught how to contribute to teamwork and how they should be in communication. Our laboratory offers a "controlled and risk-free clinical environment" opportunity, that improves the critical thinking abilities of our students. With simulation applications, it is aimed that medical students learn from the mistakes they can make and prevent repetitions of these mistakes in real life. Our Prof. Dr. Ercüment ÖZDOĞAN, Simulated Patient Laboratory is aimed to give all medical students equal learning opportunities and graduate with equal clinical experience.

In our simulated patient Laboratory, 3 examination / patient interview rooms have been simulated which are very close to reality. The established learning environment makes a great contribution to the student's “clinical decision-making skills and self-confidence” to become medical doctors.

The simulated patient practices we include in our Medical Education Program, include clinical scenarios that may be very risky or rare, especially in real environments, and allow students to perform a variety of medical practices. During their practice in this simulated patient Laboratory, our medical students are intended to feel that they are in a real patient examination room. Therefore, in our simulated patient laboratory, it is aimed to improve the students' medical decision-making and analytical thinking skills with applications, where they increase the reality of the simulation environment.

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