Üsküdar University Privacy Policy

Üsküdar University Privacy Policy

Üsküdar University Web Site Terms of Use

Welcome to Üsküdar University web site. This well site belongs to Üsküdar University and is the owner of all contents.

This web site is operated to inform especially our students, academic staff and the public about academic, current and social developments in our University.

Besides informing about departments, programs, scholarships, student admissions and registration requirements for faculties, institutes and health vocational schools, bulletins and contents are published In Üsküdar University’s website, which are prepared by academicians of our university to inform the public.

Web site users may monitor and / or download materials on our website reasonably for their own non-commercial personal use but the systematic way of downloading and storing the contents in any way is unacceptable and absolutely not allowed.

The content or contents belonging to Üsküdar University cannot be copied online in other sites.

All the contents on the web site of Üsküdar University are protected by the Law of Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 and by international agreements and similar laws of other countries.

Üsküdar University, both creator and user of the ideas and works of art in this web site, is careful and sensitive about the use, protection and development of these rights.

The contents of this website, which belongs to the 3rd parties, but not to Üsküdar University, are included in this web site in accordance with the terms of the agreement and special contracts.


Üsküdar University has the right to change the information on the web site without any notice.

There is no guarantee that the information contained in Üsküdar University web site is complete, up to date and accurate.

Üsküdar University is not responsible for the correctness of the content and links of third parties / institutions in Üsküdar University web site.

Links and contents belonging to third parties or institutions in Üsküdar University web site are not within the scope of any commercial / value relationship with these persons or institutions.