Rector’s Message

Üsküdar University has created its mission and vision on the principles of scientificity, universality, pluralism, democracy, modernity and human-oriented approach and has formed its goals and objectives in the light of these principles.

In the line of these principles, the fundamental purpose of our university is to provide education and training for a better future and a more livable world, to make scientific production and to transform knowledge into life.

Our primary mission is to raise a quality labor force that will contribute to development and prosperity of our city, our country and the world, and to serve humanity with the production of scientific knowledge. We attach importance to perfectionism in education and visionary approach in scientific production in line with this mission.  We would like for the individuals receiving education in our university to be successful not only in their profession but in all aspects of their lives. Therefore, we strive to provide a visionary education and training that is comprehensive, multidimensional and nourished by the reality of life. We have taken it upon ourselves to raise individuals who are qualified in their fields, who have critical thinking ability, who question, who discuss, who can look at problems, events and phenomena sophisticatedly, who are proactive, solution-oriented, respectful, tolerant and inclusive to all people without discrimination.

We aim to touch all aspects of life with our education and training programs. All of our education programs at associate, undergraduate and graduate levels are based on scientific knowledge, and we attach great importance to provide theoretical and practical education together.

In our university, we place emphasis on the use of modern methods in education and training and on the creation of laboratory environments with the latest technological equipment for applied education. It is ensured that our students gain professional experience and skills in their fields with the fellowship agreements made with the relevant sectors, institutions and organizations.

Our university attaches importance to research and development studies. Universities are not only educational institutions, but also centers of knowledge production. Üsküdar University has also adopted this understanding, and it regards fulfilling its requirements in the most effective way. With the projects carried out within the scope of university-industry and university-society cooperation, our university is excited to contribute regionally, nationally and universally.

International mobility is important for our university. We have become a center of attraction for international students with our programs instructed in English language. Moreover, we contribute significantly to the academic mobility at the international level with exchange programs such as Erasmus.

The next goal of our university, which is located in Üsküdar that is the pearl of the world city Istanbul, and which has fully realized all the goals it has set since its establishment, is to continue its education and training service and scientific production by taking its place among the world's leading universities in the near future.

Prof. Nazife Güngör
