About Modern Languages Division


Our vision is to ensure that our students have the foreign language skills necessary for their academic and professional activities in their departments and lives, as well as having advanced communication skills and being self-confident and innovative individuals.


The mission is to provide our students with a student-centered, innovative and dynamic language education that incorporates modern language teaching approaches and critical thinking methods in order to improve the language skills acquired during English Preparatory School and to enable the acquisition of academic and professional communication skills in the target language, and also to provide the students, whose level of English is below proficiency level, with basic language skills so that they can pursue their undergraduate studies without major difficulties. In addition, its mission is to offer elective foreign language courses and to enable our students to learn a second foreign language in order to use them effectively in their post-graduation lives and in international environments.


The division offers elective language courses for undergraduate students studying in the faculty departments. These elective courses include German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Italian and Japanese. It aims to provide the students with basic language skills so that they can learn a second foreign language and speak them in their academic or social lives. The department runs a two-semester program. These elective courses are in the pool of all faculties’ curriculum, courses are offered if at least 20 students choose them.

Spanish I – II ESP123 – ESP124 3 5
İspanyolca I – II  ISP123 – ISP124
German I – II GER123 – GER124 3 5
Almanca I – II ALM123 – ALM124
French I – II FRN123 – FRN124 3 5
Fransızca I – II FRA123 – FRA124
Russian I – II RSN123 – RSN124 3 5
Rusça I – II RUS123 – RUS124
Arabic I – II ARB123 – ARB124 3 5
Arapça I – II ARA123- ARA124
Chinese I – II CHN123 – CHN124 3 5
Çince I – II CIN123- CIN124
Italian I – II ITA123 – ITA124 3 5
İtalyanca I – II  ITL123 – ITL124
Japanese I – II JAP123 – JAP124 3 5
Japonca I – II JPN 123 – JPN124