About Modern Languages Division


Our vision is to ensure that our students have the foreign language skills necessary for their academic and professional activities in their departments and lives, as well as having advanced communication skills and being self-confident and innovative individuals.


The mission is to provide our students with a student-centered, innovative and dynamic language education that incorporates modern language teaching approaches and critical thinking methods in order to improve the language skills acquired during English Preparatory School and to enable the acquisition of academic and professional communication skills in the target language, and also to provide the students, whose level of English is below proficiency level, with basic language skills so that they can pursue their undergraduate studies without major difficulties.
In addition, its mission is to offer elective foreign language courses and to enable our students to learn a second foreign language in order to use them effectively in their post-graduation lives and in international environments.



The students in the undergraduate departments and Vocational School of Health Services programmes take Compulsory English Courses in their first or second year in accordance with their curriculum.

Basic English I-II (ING101 – ING102)

This is an Elementary (A1) English course designed for beginners of English language. The students, who study in the departments of Turkish medium of instruction and the Vocational School of Health Services, take an online course and learn English to develop four basic language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing through various kinds of teaching videos, materials and practises. 
The course objectives include;

  • to identify a range of level words, phrases, and grammatical structures in a reading and listening text of their level of 2-3 minutes,
  • to convey messages of 2-3 minutes by using a range of level words, phrases, and grammatical structures to introduce themselves or others, start and respond to greetings, talk about the weather, give directions, describe daily routines, a story, experiences, situations, things, people, places.
  • to use level words and phrases accurately to write simple sentences, fill in forms and write a short paragraph of around 75-100 words.
  • to follow basic punctuation rules (apostrophes, commas, full stops, exclamation mark, question marks, and capital letters) at sentence level when writing a text of their level.

English I-II (ENG101 – ENG102)

This is an Advanced (C1) level Specific English course for the students who successfully complete English Preparatory School and start studying in the departments of English medium of instruction so as to teach and develop their language skills in the chosen field of expertise. The course objectives include;

  • to equip students with the English language skills required for their field of expertise with a primary emphasis on specific academic speaking, listening, writing and reading skills,
  • to master specific terms and terminological vocabularies in their chosen field of expertise,
  • to develop the ability to read and discuss texts in their chosen field of expertise,
  • to be able to write academic reports and essays,
  • to be able to give talks and participate in discussions in their chosen field of expertise, in good English,
  • to foster self-confidence and a positive attitude in terms of their academic skills.

Professional English Courses I-II

This is an Intermediate (B1) level Professional English course designed to teach and develop language skills in their chosen field of expertise. The course objectives include;

  • to equip students with the English language skills required for their field of expertise,
  • to master specific terms and terminological vocabularies in their chosen field of expertise,
  • to develop the ability to read and understand texts in their chosen field of expertise,
  • to be able to write short academic essays.


The division offers elective language courses for undergraduate students studying in the faculty departments. These elective courses include German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.
It aims to provide the students with basic language skills so that they can learn a second foreign language and speak them in their academic or social lives. The department runs a two-semester programme placing emphasis on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills to achieve this aim. These elective courses are in the pool of all faculties’ curriculum. Courses are offered if at least 20 students choose them.

Spanish I - II ISP123 – ISP124 3 5
German I - II ALM123 – ALM124 3 5
French I - II FRN123 – FRN124 3 5
Russian I - II US123 – RUS124 3 5
Arabic I – II ARA123- ARA124 3 5
Chinese I – II CIN123- CIN124 3 5