Research - Research - Scientific Research Projects (BAP/SRP)

What are Scientific Research Projects (BAP/SRP)?

These are scientific research projects prepared by Uskudar University faculty members, executives who have completed a doctorate, medical specialization, or proficiency training in the arts and submitted to the Scientific Research Projects Commission to support Uskudar University from BAP resources.

The Scientific Research Projects (BAP/SRP) directive determines the rules and principles to be applied in the evaluation, acceptance, support, monitoring, and finalization of the projects submitted to the BAP/SRP Commission of Uskudar University and the duties, powers, and responsibilities of the BAP/SRP Commission following this process.

Project Categories

1. Routed Project: Following the scientific policy and/or corporate needs of the country and/or Uskudar University, its subject, scope, needs, budget, and, where necessary, research or development projects proposed by the Rectorate and/or related academic unit administrations of the research group and/or finally determined by the BAP/SRP Commission. Project duration is determined as a maximum of 18 months.

2. Independent Research Projects: The projects prepared by the project executors are not to develop the infrastructure of an academic unit but to produce direct scientific results, which were created with the participation of national and international institutions and organizations other than Uskudar University. Project duration is determined as a maximum of 18 months.

3. Graduate Thesis Projects: These are research projects carried out by a faculty member for Master's and doctoral education students in faculties, institutes, and centers affiliated with Uskudar University and the executive is the thesis advisor. If graduate education cannot be carried out or is terminated for any reason, the executor applies to the commission for the change of the project group or the cancellation of the project. Project duration is determined as a maximum of 18 months. Graduate thesis student in projects in this category; If institution staff, 80% of the project budget will be supported by the institution, the 20% by the thesis student, if not institution staff, 50% of the project budget will be supported by the institution, 50% by the thesis student.

Click here for the flow diagram of application, monitoring and finalization processes
Project Application Form
Referee Evaluation Form
Project Support Agreement
Intermediate Report Form
Result Report Form
Intermediate report / Result Report Evaluation Form 
Project Budget Form