Computer Laboratory

With the development of technology, computers began to take up a large part of our lives, and they have also become an indispensable part of teaching and academic life. Computers are one of the most important elements of teaching with their advantages such as actively involving students in the learning process, bringing liveliness and diversity to teaching, increasing students' learning speed by giving fast and accurate feedback, and enabling experiments that are difficult to do physically or impossible in the classroom environment to be carried out with the help of simulations.

Located on the 3rd Floor of Üsküdar University Central Campus, Block A, the Computer Laboratory is built on an area of approximately 70 m² and consists of high-configuration computers, smart board systems and network devices.

Purposes of Computer Laboratory Use

The student who spends more time in the laboratory will be more effective in developing work-related applications. Students who implement their projects on real-world problems during their education will gain experience in understanding the requirements of business life much earlier and will be more inclined to gain relevant experience. With this in mind, Üsküdar University Computer Laboratory was established to train students who apply it.

In addition to students from the Software Engineering department, students from other departments of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences also teach classes in the laboratory.

Students can also use the modern laboratory with high-speed internet outside of class. Not only undergraduate but also postgraduate students work in this laboratory with faculty members in their thesis studies, projects, research and applications.

Lessons Given in the Computer Laboratory

Programs used in subjects such as programming, database design, mathematical calculation and modeling, graphic design, and electronic circuit simulation are installed on the computers in the laboratory.

This laboratory is especially used in application development courses such as Programming Languages, Data Structures, Database Systems, Algorithm Design, Computer Networks, Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Web Programming.


Device Type

Device Number

Switch Cabin










Smart Board


Ihab ELAFF, Ph.D
Assistant Professor

FENS / Computer Engineering / PARGE Director

CV Görüntüle Özgeçmiş Ihab ELAFF / (0216) 400 2222
Muhammet Çelik,

Özgeçmiş Muhammet Çelik / (0216) 400 2222 : 1914