Üsküdar University In Numbers

Founding Date March 3, 2011
First Academic Year 2012-2013
Main Campus (Üsküdar region) 6
Total Social Area 10.688 m²
Laboratories 9.718 m²
Total Area 200.665 m²
Total Guest House Capacity 1.140 m²


Academic-Administrative Staff
Full-Time Academic Staff 655
Part-Time Academic Staff 243
Total Academic Staff 898
Number of Administrative Staff 348


Number of Students
Undergraduate 12.528
Associate Degree 4.616
Associate Degree (Evening Education) 2.151
Master (Thesis) 2.270
Master (Non Thesis) 1.252
Doctorate 335
Total Students 23.152
Graduates 47.526


Library and Documentation
Libraries 7
Seating Capacity 3.507
Collections 87.620


e-Journals  69.306
Databases 70
Thesis 3.334


Publications entering International Indexes (2017-2018 year SCI, SCI-exp, AHCI) 2.364
Project Support ₺6,2 million.
Research – Development Centers 39
Laboratories 86
Lecture Hall and Conference Halls 23


Academic Units
Faculties 6
Vocational School of Health Sciences 1
Institutes 5
Undergraduate Programs 41
Associate Degree Programs 38
Associate Degree Programs (Evening Education) 23
Master Programs (Thesis) 47
Master Programs (Non Thesis) 42
Doctorate Programs 15


Information Technology Infrastructure
Internet Connection Capacity 1000 MBPS + 1000 MBPS
SmartBoards 222
Total Computers 1628
Information Screens 55


Erasmus+ Partner University Agreements 100+
International Cooperation 70+
Erasmus Agreement 500+


Student Clubs 92
Activities (2021-2022) 599