Electroneurophysiology Laboratory

Electroneurophysiology Laboratory

There are EMG and EEG devices available in Electroneurophysiology Laboratory. Students are first taught how to use the EEG device as part of the electroencephalography-EEG course. The placement of the electrodes before recording with the EEG device is a very important preparation phase. The EEG is performed using 23 small electrodes with the help of a kind of gel to be placed in the scalp and by recording the electrical activity of the brain through a computer. EEG can be taken by people of any age, there is no radiation effect and it does not harm the brain.

In addition, students are taught the use of EMG measuring device in the scope of Electromyography-EMG course. The EMG (Neural Measurement Test) test is the electrical monitoring of muscles, nerves and nerve roots in the body. It is a method of examination that is used to diagnose diseases affecting the peripheral nerves, to confirm the diagnosis, to determine the severity of dysfunctions in the peripheral nerves and to evaluate the effect of the treatment applied. The use of EMG devices is also demonstrated within the courses of the Sensory Emotive Potentials and Clinical Electroneurophysiology Applications.

Device Type

Device Number

VEP monitoring


stimulator (education and research)


EEG device and monitoring (education and research)


EMG device and monitoring (education and research)


Wheel Chair


Patient examination couch


Öznur Özge ÖZCAN, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

VSHS / Electroneurophysiology / FENS / Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

CV Görüntüle Özgeçmiş Öznur Özge ÖZCAN / (0216) 400 2222