President’s Message

President's Message

We started our journey on "Technopreneurship in Health" through being the accredited representative of the "Memory Centers of America" starting in 1998 and we managed to successfully initiate Üsküdar University as a foundation University in 2011.

We, as Üsküdar University obtain 10 distinct characteristics;

  • As a thematic university, specializing in the field of Behavioral Health and Sciences, we achieved to associate in "Psychology, Philosophy, Health, Genetics, and Engineering",
  • Using the Thought Technology with our clinical experience on Neuropsychiatric and magnetic stimulation and treatment, we implement through measuring brain functions. We pioneer in progressive and new approaches which associate in "technology with mental health",
  • Thanks to the good use of the existing technological infrastructure and the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary working capacity, increased by the incorporation of the new technologies, we strive to assert a claim as to produce knowledge "at world standards",
  • Teaming up with one of the best academic members, who hold the patent in brain battery/neurostimulation production and the patent of schizophrenia drug as we attach great importance to R&D (Research & Development), technopreneurship, patent production through techno parks,
  • Pursuing the goal of becoming an internationally accredited world class university,
  • Conducting the socially responsible projects to foster those who share the same ideas with us for the benefit of the society's future,
  • Providing opportunities to the students for their future professions and career plans that accelerate their participation in the labor force, through executing the "University and Hospital association" model,
  • Pursuing our goals by determining our basic principles through executing an outstanding job, working hard, being innovative, entrepreneurial, reformer and preserving the benefits of the students concurrently showing our commitment to these principles,
  • Adopting the corporate culture that attaches importance to offer qualified graduates by embedding the philosophy of lifelong learning, customizing training options and ethical values,
  • Aspiring to be recognized as one of the world's 500 best universities, as it is our main objective in 2023.

The existing university system enables the importation of West's knowledge and concepts into Turkey and tailgate the global developments. However, our desire is not to make Turkey attain a place in the global system as a market, but to train and procure human resources required for Turkey to become a strong global actor. The studies and the efforts conducted both in the state and in the foundation universities in the recent years, aims the accelerate rapid improvement in quality and quantity. Like every Turkish citizen, this change has been a hopeful source for us. We feel excited to see this attitude is spreading. As in each period of history, as well as at the present time, the power of the societies and the states has increased in accordance with the produced knowledge. In this information age, the universities are considered to be the leading sources and institutions in producing knowledge. As far as it is determined from the experiences of the developed countries, the universities' efforts of producing knowledge with the public resources are not sufficient. In the effort to produce knowledge as a country, the need for state and foundation universities are quite obvious.

Apart from the production of knowledge and science, the universities have other functions such as education-training and social responsibilities. We have the sense of responsibility that we should undertake the duty of attaining the most ideal level in both cases. As Chairman of the Executive Board of NP Group companies and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of İDER Foundation (Foundation of Human Values and Mental Health), like every institution and every person who loves his/her country and wants to contribute to a bright future for Turkey, I and my team-mates, with our knowledge and experience, are eager to contribute to our country given today's relentless competition and to the rapid flow of information of the current world.

Prof. Nevzat TARHAN