Rector's Advisor / Head of Coordination of Bologna (President of BEK) / FHS / Health Management
More.Vice Rector / FENS / Head of Department - Forensic Sciences / Head of the Forensic Medicine Department / BABE Director
More.VSHS/ Director / Graduation School of Sciences Director / VSHS/ Biomedical Device Technology/ FHS/ Nutrition and Dietetics
More.VSHS / Vice Director/ Medical Laboratory Techniques- Head of Program / Radiotherapy/ ÜSUZEM Vice Director
More.VSHS- Vice Director / Nuclear Technology and Radiation Safety / Audiometry/ Radiotherapy - Head of Program / ÜSMERA – Director
More.FHS / Social Work, Professor of Social Work Advisor to the Rector / Social Work Head of Department / KÜGEMER Director
More.FHS / Nutrition and Dietetics Department - VSHS / Medical Laboratory
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / VSHS / Aged Care Services / FHSS / Psychology
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Neurology / VSHS / Electroneurophysiology / FHSS / Psychology / GSHS / Head of the Department of Neuroscience
More.Faculty of Medicine – Dean/ Head of Public Health Department / FHS - Head of Health Management Department
More.Faculty of Medicine / Head of Neurology Department / FHS - Speech and Language Therapy / FHSS - Psychology
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / FHSS / Psychology / VSHS / Social Work
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / FHSS / Psychology
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / FHSS / Psychology /VSHS/ Medical Documentation and Secretarial
More.FENS / Forensic Sciences / BABE Deputy Director / Head of Biosecurity Master Program
More.SHMYO / Environmental Health - Head of Program / ÜSUZEM / Deputy Director
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / FHSS / Psychology
More.FHSS / History / Department of Common Courses / Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution - Coordinator/Lecturer
More.Faculty of Medicine / Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation
More.FHS / Vice-Dean / Occupational Health and Safety / ÜSUZEM Director
More.VSHS / Social Work - Head of Program / ENMER – Director
More.Faculty of Medicine/ Department of Child Health and Diseases- Pediatric Cardiology
More.VSHS / Anesthesia / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation
More.VSHS / Health Information System Technics - Head of Program
More.VSHS / Opticianry / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Ophthalmology
More.VSHS / Orthopedic Prosthetics and Orthotics / Physiotherapy - Head of Program
More.Faculty of Dentistry / Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery - SHMYO / Oral and Dental Health
More.Faculty of Dentistry /VSHS / Dental Prosthesis Program
More.VSHS / Management of Health Institutions - FHS / Health Management
More.VSHS / Health Sciences Institute / Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Head of Program
More.VSHS/ Environmental Health / Graduate School of Health Sciences - Vice Director
More.FENS - Industrial Engineering/ FHS / Health Management/ VSHS - Head of Health Institutions Management Program
More.VSHS /Anesthesia / SOBE / Deputy Director / Head of Applied Psychology Department / Maternal and Infant Mental Health Application and Research Center - Center Manager
More.VSHS / Perfusion Techniques / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
More.VSHS / Food Technology / Scientific Research Projects (BAP/SRP) Coordinator
More.FHS / Occupational Health and Safety - Head of Department / ÜSGÜMER Director
More.VSHS / Medical Promotion and Marketing - Head of Program / Dental Technology - Head of Program
More.(Part time) VSHS / Radiotherapy / Medical Imaging Techniques
More.VSHS / Medical Documentation and Secretarial - Head of Program / Social Security Program / Management of Health Institutions
More.(Part time) Vocational School of Health Services / Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program
More.FHS / Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation / VSHS / Orthopedic Prosthetics and Orthotics- Head of Program
More.VSHS / Anaesthesiology - Head of Program / Perfusion Techniques
More.VSHS /Emergency and Disaster Management - Head of Program / Occupational Health and Safety
More.VSHS / Physiotherapy / Disability Care and Rehabilitation - Program Head
More.VSHS / Emergency and First Aid / Operating Room Services - Head of Program
More.VSHS / Disabled Care and Rehabilitation / Dialysis / ENMER – Director
More.FENS / Bioengineering / VSHS / Biomedical Device Technology - Head of Program
More.VSHS / Emergency and First Aid / Elderly Care Services - Head of Program
More.VSHS / Occupational Health and Safety / Opticianry - Head of Program
More.VSHS / Laboratory Technology / Mouth and Dental Health - Head of Program
More.VSHS / Environmental Health / Emergency and Disaster Management
More.(Part time) Rector's Advisor/ Üsküdar University and NPISTANBUL Hospital Group Coordinator (Responsible for Quality and Personnel)
More.(Part time) VSHS / Medical Documentation and Secretarial / Anaesthesiology
More.(Part time) VSHS / Pathology Laboratory Supervisor/ Pathology Laboratory Techniques - Head of Program