Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

Vocational School of Health Services - Uskudar University Vision & Mission

It is purposed to increase the momentum of the standarts required by the health sector in the light of new programs based on the top-level competition and designed to the needs of the age.

- Generating projects on affecting human health ( biological , social, psychological areas ) to accelerate the development of science and society,
- Providing coordination with stakeholders to raise awareness of health and social areas.

Based on our university policy our college is committed to train the qualified professionals who are donated by high standartds primarily to respond our local requirements in the light of the universal values, riched by science and technology, and graduated at the level of Pre-graduate Degree. In the axis of the information society which brings continuous change and development, it is purposed to enable qualified individuals, who are respectful of human rights, closely follow scientific developments, and innovative, to the business life at the request of market conditions.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!