Eda YETİMOĞLU, (Part Time)



(0216) 400 2222 / 5154

ORCID: 0000-0002-8078-7469

Citation : | h-index : | i10-index :

Research Fields

health tourism, medical tourism marketing, pathology, pathology applications, marketing

Short CV

Born in 1978 in Istanbul, she graduated from Pertevniyal High School in 1995.  She completed Marmara University Pathology Laboratory Program in 1999 and graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Business Administration in 2007. She graduated from Beykent University Hospital and Health Institutions Management Master's Program in 2010. She is still continuing her doctorate education in Beykent University Social Sciences Institute Business Management Program and her undergraduate education in Istanbul University Child Development Department. Between 1999 and 2015, she worked as a laboratory supervisor in the pathology laboratories of private hospitals and between 2015-2016 she taught pathology at a foundation university. She is married and the mother of one child. Since September 2016, she has been working at Üsküdar University VCHS Pathology Laboratory Techniques program.

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Education Status & Academic Titles

Academic Activities > Congress - Conference Participation

  1. 2nd International Food Chemistry Congress, 2023.
  2. 4. Ulusal Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulları Sempozyumu, 2017.

Administrative Activities

  1. Laboratuvar, Laboratuvar Sorumlusu, (2024 - Devam ediyor.)
  2. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission, Muafiyet Komisyonu, (2019 - Devam ediyor.)
  3. Program Başkanlığı / Head of Program, Patoloji Laboratuvarı, (2016 - Devam ediyor.)
  4. Öğrenci Danışmanlığı / Student Adviser, 151-200 Öğrenci Danışmanlığı, (2016 - Devam ediyor.)

Education and Training Activities

  1. Genel Patoloji, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  2. Genel Patoloji, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  3. Üniversite Kültürü II, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  4. Patoloji Laboratuvar Teknikleri Uygulaması II, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  5. Genel Histoteknoloji, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  6. Patolojide Kullanılan Cihazlar ve Bakımı, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  7. Patoloji Laboratuvar Uygulaması, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  8. Patoloji Laboratuvar Uygulaması, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  9. Patoloji Laboratuvar Uygulaması, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  10. Patoloji Laboratuvar Uygulaması, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  11. Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Bahar)
  12. Genel Patoloji, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  13. Genel Patoloji, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  14. Patoloji, (Undergraduate Degree / 2023-2024 Güz)
  15. Sitoteknoloji I, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  16. İmmünohistokimya, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  17. Patolojide Temel Kavramlar, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  18. Histoloji, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  19. Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  20. Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)
  21. Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi, (onlisans / 2023-2024 Güz)