Assistant Professor


(0216) 400 2222

ORCID: 0000-0003-4974-9840

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Research Fields

cardiovascular surgery, transplantation surgery, preoperative anxiety,neurosurgery

Short CV

Asst. Prof. Fatma DEMİRCAN was born in Manisa, 1984. After she completed her undergraduate and postgraduate education which she started in İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine in 2002, she completed her medical specialty education in the field of Anesthesia and Reanimation in İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine in 2008. She graduated as Anethesia and Reanimation specialst in 2013 with her thesis study titled “Histerektomi Vakalarında Preoperatif Anksiyetenin Postoperatif Ajitasyon ve İlk Analjezik Tüketimine Etkisi”. After she completed obligatory govermantal service duty in Bingöl Public Hospital between 2013-2015, she worked in Bezmialem University Faculty of Medicine between 2015-2018. She has articles published on international and national referral journals. She is also member of scientific and professional organizations such as TARD (Türkiye’s Anesthesia and Reanimation Foundation), Turkish Medical Association, European Paediatric Association and TYBD (Turkish Society of Intensive Care).

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Education Status & Academic Titles

Education and Training Activities

  1. Klinik Anestezi, (onlisans / 2022-2023 Bahar)
  2. Reanimasyon Uygulamaları, (onlisans / 2022-2023 Güz)
  3. Anestezi Uygulamaları II, (onlisans / 2022-2023 Güz)