

(0216) 633 0 633 4121

ORCID: 0000-0001-7698-5764

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Short CV

Oğuz Tanrıdağ, M.D., Professor of Neurology. Mr. Tanrıdağ graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine on 1975. He completed his neurology residency on 1982 from Gülhane Military Medical Academy. He obtained his clinical fellowship in Vanderbilt University Department of Neurology, USA between 1984-1986 on Speech and Language Disorders. He became Assistant Professor in 1987, Associated Professor in 1988 and Professor of Neurology in 1993. He was awarded to TÜBITAK Encouragement Award in 1989 on Research Paper of "Memory Functions in Aphasic Patients". He currently works in Üsküdar University, Deparment of Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation.

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Education Status & Academic Titles

Academic Activities > Publications

(Scopus) Toplam: 3

Academic Activities > Publications

(Other Scientific Publications) Toplam: 2

Academic Activities > Book - Book Chapter

  1. Nörobilim ve Dil-Konuşma Bozuklukları- Ortak Kavramlar ve Uygulamaları, 2020.
  3. Çocuk Beyninin Gelişimi, 2018.
  4. İnanıyorum O Halde Varım, 2017.
  5. Beyin Davranış İlişkileri Üzerine Konferanslar ve Dersler I, 2015.

Academic Activities > Congress - Conference Participation

  1. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, 2020.

Education and Training Activities

  1. Tıpta Kurul Dersleri (Kurul 3B), (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Bahar)
  2. Tıbbın Bilimsel Temelleri, (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)
  3. Tıpta Kurul Dersleri (Kurul 1A), (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)
  4. Kognitif Nörofizyoloji I, (onlisans / 2022-2023 Bahar)
  5. Dil ve Konuşmanın Nöroanatomisi ve Nörofizyolojisi, (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Bahar)
  6. Kognitif Nörofizyoloji II, (onlisans / 2022-2023 Güz)
  7. Dil ve Konuşma Bozukluklarında Beyin Araştırmaları, (PhD / 2022-2023 Güz)
  8. Kognitif Nörobilime Giriş, (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)
  9. Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri İçin Çocuk Sağlığı ve Nörolojisi, (Undergraduate Degree / 2022-2023 Güz)