Ahmet Emre AZAKLI,



(0216) 400 2222

Short CV

Ahmet Emre AZAKLI was born in 1988 in Kdz.Ereğli and completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Kdz.Ereğli. In 2010, he graduated from Başkent University Anesthesia Program with a high honor degree. After working in the private sector for 3 years following her graduation, she started her public service at Taksim Training and Research Hospital in 2013. She completed her undergraduate nursing education at Haliç University in 2018. Demiroğlu graduated from Bilim University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physiology, Master's Program by successfully defending her thesis on 'Evaluation of the Relationship of Intraoperative End-tidal Carbon Dioxide Changes with Blood Pressure Changes' in 2021 and received the title of 'Physiology Scientist'. During his public service, he worked as a part-time lecturer at the invitation of different universities. He gave voluntary training seminars upon request in more than 50 universities and health vocational high schools across Turkey.In April 2019, the book 'The Key to Anesthesia Education', which is the first and only comprehensive professional book written by an academician of anesthesia technician origin in Turkey and which attracted great interest, was published by Ankara Nobel Medical Bookstores. He continues to actively create and publish many educational contents in digital and academic environment. In January 2022, he completely left the clinical environment and continues his career as a lecturer. He is mainly interested in general physiology, respiratory and circulatory system physiology and pathophysiology of cardiac and respiratory diseases. She is a member of Turkish Physiological Sciences Association and Brain Research Association. She continues her PhD education at Üsküdar University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physiology.

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