İhsan Taylan GÜNAYDIN, DDS. Ph.D

Assist. Prof. Dr.


(0216) 400 2222

Short CV

Born in 1972. After graduating from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, GÜNAYDIN started his doctorate education under the reference of Prof. Işıl Küçükay. In 2002, he completed his thesis titled "Kök Kanalından Enterecoccus faecalis'in Eliminasyonunda Farklı Yıkama Yöntemleriyle Kullanılan Yıkama Solüsyonlarının ve Kanal İçi Kalsiyum Hidroksit Uygulamasının Etkinliğinin İn Vitro Olarak İncelenmesi” (In Vitro Investigation of the Efficacy of Irrigation Solutions used with Different Irrigation Methods and Intra-Canal Calcium Hydroxide Application in Elimination of Enterecoccus faecalis from the Root Canal) and received the title of "Doctor (Phd) in dentistry". He worked as a dentist at the Center for Child Health and Family Planning.He resigned from the Ministry of Health in 2009. He still continues to work as a clinician.

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