Radiation protection, Radiology, Radiotherapy, Bioactive glasses, Biomaterials
ORCID: 0000-0001-5159-2411
Research Fields
UN Sustainable Development Goal Labels Matching with Research Fields
Short CV
Born in İstanbul, 1992. She completed her undergraduate education in Yıldız Technical University, Bioengineering department in 2014. She graduated from Üsküdar University Medical Imaging Techniques Department in 2016 and started her graduate education at Süleyman Demirel University in the field of Nuclear Physics in the same year. Her master’s is ongoing. She is carrying out scientific studies as a researcher at Üsküdar University Medical Radiation Application and Research Center (ÜSMERA).
Education Status & Academic Titles
Academic Activities > Publications
(Scopus) Toplam: 28MCNPX Simulation for Radiation Dose Absorption of Anatomical Regions and Some Organs
Acta Physica Polonica A (2020)
Comparative evaluation of nuclear radiation shielding properties of xTeO2 + (100–x)Li2O glass system
Applied Physics A (2020)
The impact of Cr2O3 additive on nuclear radiation shielding properties of LiF-SrO-B2O3 glass system
Materials Chemistry and Physics (2019)
Er2O3 effects on photon and neutron shielding properties of TeO2-Li2O–ZnO-Nb2O5 glass system
Results in Physics (2019)
A comparative study on shielding properties of some composite materials by MCNPX code
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (IJCT) (2019)
Academic Activities > Publications
(Other Scientific Publications) Toplam: 2Gamma-ray attenuation properties of boron carbide in radiological energy range using MCNPX code
AIP Conference Proceedings (2018)
Effect of Heat Treatment on Radiation Shielding Properties of Concretes
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research (2018)
Academic Activities > Book - Book Chapter
(Other) Toplam: 1- Monte Carlo Simülasyonları ve Farmakolojik Malzemeler Üzerine Uygulamaları: Bir Genel Bakış Çalışması, 2019.
Academic Activities > Congress - Conference Participation
- Turkish Physical Society 34th International Physics Congress, 2018.
- Turkish Physical Society 34th International Physics Congress, 2018.
- 32nd International Congress on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2018.
- 13th Radiotechnology Congress and Training Seminars with International Participation, 2018.
Administrative Activities
- Program Başkanlığı / Head of Program, Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri, (2023 - Devam ediyor.)
- Öğrenci Danışmanlığı / Student Adviser, 100 -150 Öğrenci Danışmanlığı, (2023 - Devam ediyor.)
- Öğrenci Danışmanlığı / Student Adviser, 91-100 Öğrenci Danışmanlığı, (2023 - 2023)
- Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission, Fakülte/MYO Web Sayfası Geliştirme Komisyonu, (2023 - Devam ediyor.)
- Merkez Müdürü / Head of Resarch Center, ÜSMERA, (2022 - Devam ediyor.)
- Çalışma Grubu Üyelikleri / Research Group Membership, Hesaplamalı Biyoloji ve In Silico Çalışmaları Grubu, (2021 - Devam ediyor.)
- Öğrenci Danışmanlığı / Student Adviser, 41-50 Öğrenci Danışmanlığı, (2020 - 2022)
- Çalışma Grubu Üyelikleri / Research Group Membership, Biyomalzeme Numerik Hesaplamalı Yaklaşımlar Grubu, (2020 - Devam ediyor.)
- Program Başkanlığı / Head of Program, Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri, (2019 - 2020)
- Laboratuvar, Laboratuvar Sorumlusu, (2019 - Devam ediyor.)
- Öğrenci Danışmanlığı / Student Adviser, 41-50 Öğrenci Danışmanlığı, (2019 - 2020)
- Merkez Müdür Yardımcısı / Deputy Head of Research Center, ÜSMERA Müdür Yardımcısı, (2018 - 2019)
- Öğrenci Danışmanlığı / Student Adviser, 41-50 Öğrenci Danışmanlığı, (2018 - 2019)