trauma, memory reconsolidation, neuroscience, couple therapy, neuroscience-based cognitive behavioral therapy, art therapy
ORCID: 0000-0002-4408-9495
Research Fields
Short CV
Was born in Ankara. She graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. She completed her speaciality training in Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2005. She received the title of Assistant Professor in Uskudar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology in 2013. She published many articles to both national and international journals. Is an active member of Psychiatric Association of Turkey and Istanbul Medical Chamber.
Education Status & Academic Titles
Undergraduate Degree
gazi tıp fakültesi
gazi psikiyatri
Associate Professorship
üsküdar üniversitesi ruh sağlığı ve hastalıkları
üsküdar üniversitesi ruh sağlığı ve hastalıkları
Academic Activities > Publications
(Scopus) Toplam: 18Esketamine Nasal Spray versus Quetiapine for Treatment-Resistant Depression
New England Journal of Medicine (2023)
To stop or not to stop? Combined use of valproate and electroconvulsive treatment
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi (2015)
The phenomenology of delusions in a patient with disorders of sex development
The relationship of psychological trauma with trichotillomania and skin picking
Academic Activities > Publications
(Other Scientific Publications) Toplam: 7Psychogenic Polydipsia Responding to Oxcarbazepine A Case Presentation
Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports (2014)
Is there a relationship between bupropion plasma levels and blood pressure increase?
Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy (2014)
Adverse effects of transcranial direct current stimulation TDCS in a group of psychiatric patients
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (2014)
Academic Activities > Book - Book Chapter
(Other) Toplam: 1- Alkol Kullanım Bozukluğu Tanısı Konulmuş Hastaların Aileleri İçin Rehber, Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, Üsküdar Üniversitesi Yayınları-31, 2021
Academic Activities > Congress - Conference Participation
- Joint Annual Meeting ECNS, 2014.
Education and Training Activities
- Madde Kullanım Bozukluklarına Eşlik Eden Diğer Psikiyatrik Bozukluklar (Çift Tanı: Ko-Morbid Bozukluklarına Genel Bir Bakış), (Master / 2023-2024 Bahar)
- Bağımlılık Psikofarmakolojisi ve Toksikolojisi, (Master / 2023-2024 Güz)