Masters in Health Informatics Master's Degree - Academic Staff

Prof. 9 Asst. Prof. 2 Total 11

K. Nevzat TARHAN, MD Professor

President/ Faculty of Medicine/ Mental Health and Diseases / Graduate School of Social Sciences / Head of Department of Clinical Psychology Master's Degree


Haydar SUR, MD , Ph.D Professor

Faculty of Medicine – Dean/ Head of Public Health Department / FHS - Head of Health Management Department


Osman ÇEREZCİ, Ph.D Professor

FENS - Dean / Electrics Electronics Engineering


Barış METİN, MD Professor

Faculty of Medicine / Department of Neurology / VSHS / Electroneurophysiology / FHSS / Psychology / GSHS / Head of the Department of Neuroscience


Cumhur TAŞ, MD, Ph.D Professor

FHSS / Psychology (English) / Faculty of Medicine / Mental Health and Diseases


Belkıs ATASEVER ARSLAN, Ph.D Professor

FENS / Head of Department - Molecular Biology and Genetics (Turkish)


Tuğba ALTINTAŞ, Ph.D Professor

FHS / Health Management / Data Application and Research Center (VERIMER) - Manager


Türker Tekin ERGÜZEL, Ph.D Professor

Rector's Advisor / FENS / Head of Department - Software Engineering / Head of Health Sience Institute


Mesut KARAHAN, Ph.D Professor

VSHS/ Director / Graduation School of Sciences Director / Incubation Center and TTO Director/ VSHS/ Biomedical Device Technology/ FHS/ Nutrition and Dietetics


Kristin SURPUHİ BENLİ, Ph.D Assistant Professor

FENS / Deputy Head of Department - Software Engineering

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