Education Process
The design of our graduate-school's education and training programs includes the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework in accordance with the Bologna process. Program designs are submitted to the approval of the University Senate by the Graduate School Board, subject to continuous improvement and updating through regular meetings held in the relevant units and units. Designing graduate-school programs; It is carried out with the opinions received from internal and external stakeholders and the active participation of the academic staff of the unit.
Our priorities regarding the execution process of the programs;
-Courses are given by faculty members of the relevant discipline.-Consulting processes are actively operated and our students can follow all these processes through the flow diagram. (Click for the flow chart)-Course schedules are based on student efficiency.-Course schedules are announced at least 1 week before the start of education.-Bologna updates are completed before the start of the education-training period.-Student to Solution Center, faculty members or E-mails sent to other departments of the graduate-school are returned within 1 day.