Neuroscience Master's Degree - About

Graduate School of Health Sciences Neuroscience (Thesis/Non-Thesis) graduate program

Neuroscience Msc Student Guide 2022 Final.docx

Neuroscience is a science based on the investigation of the nervous system. Neuroscience is traditionally considered as a subdivision of biological sciences; Nowadays, medicine, chemistry, mathematics, biology, computer engineering, physics and psychology have gained an interdisciplinary identity in which the disciplines of science work together. We offer a high level of education and research quality with a vision that focuses on research as well as education in the thematic structure of our university, with our team that can create models for this multidisciplinary structuring.

Üsküdar University Neuroscience Graduate Program;

Üsküdar University Neuroscience Master’s Program shows significant differences in terms of the content of the curriculum and the aims of graduate students. The most important difference of the neuroscience master’s program from our peers in our country is our laboratories, which are equipped with superior technological devices. Starting with how our students should conduct a neuroscience research, they are scheduled to reach the most specific information in the area they want to work with. It is aimed that students should get a basic set of information for all subfields of neuroscience, including computational and process neuroscience. Students will investigate, discuss, and prepare a thesis that reflects the knowledge and skills gained during the course of a specific neuroscience problem in consultation with a faculty member in the field of neuroscience that they are interested in for graduation. In our program, neuroscience is subdivided into sub-study groups as a multidisciplinary team. These groups can be listed as follows:

1. Computational Neuroscience

2. Developmental Neuroscience

3. Systems Neuroscience

4. Cognitive Neuroscience

5. Clinical Neuroscience

The Aim of the Neuroscience Master’s Program

Our aim is to monitor new knowledge and approaches in the field of neuroscience education and teaching, to educate individuals who have the characteristics of researchers who are required to have sufficient knowledge and neuroscience point of view in the main areas of neuroscience and who can approach current problems from a neuroscience point of view.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!