Speech and Language Therapy Doctorate Degree (PhD) - Academic Staff

Prof. 4 Asst. Prof. 1 Total 5

Ahmet KONROT, Ph.D Professor

FHS / Speech and Language Therapy Department - Head of Department / ÜSESKOM Director


A. Oğuz TANRIDAĞ, MD Professor

Faculty of Medicine / Head of Neurology Department / FHS - Speech and Language Therapy / FHSS - Psychology


Şükrü TORUN, Ph.D Professor

(Part time) Graduate School of Health Sciences/ Speech and Language Therapy


Mesut KARAHAN, Ph.D Professor

VSHS/ Director / Graduation School of Sciences Director / Incubation Center and TTO Director/ VSHS/ Biomedical Device Technology/ FHS/ Nutrition and Dietetics


Maral YEŞİLYURT, Ph.D Assistant Professor

FHS / Speech and Language Therapy Department

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