Graduate School of Health Sciences - Uskudar University SWOT Analysis and Improvement

The Strategic Plan prepared for the period 2024-2028 of the Institute of Health Sciences aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Institute and to determine the strategies necessary to ensure the continuity of institutional development with the evaluations made. For this purpose, auditable strategies are determined to guide the improvement of quality in its activities.


Our university is a medium-sized thematic university in the field of Behavioral Sciences and Health. With 15 master's and 9 doctoral programs within our institute, it offers education and training opportunities in engineering and health sciences such as health, neuroscience, health management in a strong interdisciplinary interaction and cooperation.

Our university is the first university in Turkey to be selected as a center of excellence by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). TWAS is an organization established by UNESCO to enable developing countries to reach an advanced level in terms of science. For this purpose, institutions and organizations with advanced infrastructure selected by them are designated as “centers of excellence” and young and bright minds of developing countries are selected and trained in centers of excellence.

*The classrooms of our institute are equipped with high quality teaching tools (computers, projectors and smart boards) and our faculty members are familiar with these technologies and use them effectively.

*Our institute has a competent and experienced academic staff.

*Continuous counseling services are provided to our students and our students can easily access academicians.

*Communication between academic staff, administrative staff and students is strong.

*The level of preference of our graduate education programs is high.

*We have sufficient student resources for the opened programs.

*Our institute provides education in different and various disciplines. Revisions are made in order to improve the education/training activities carried out in our institute and the continuity of the activities is ensured with the controls made.

*Our institute has a project, research and publication-oriented education and training process. With the existence of BrainPark Technology Transfer Office and Scientific Research Projects units, academic studies are encouraged and supported.

*Our students are provided with financial resources by BAP while conducting their thesis studies.

*The fact that the databases to which the university library is a member provide access to a large number of scientific researches provides a great advantage in academic researches and studies.

*Through the surveys we apply to our internal stakeholders and external stakeholders, opinions and suggestions are received for each stage of the Institute's functioning and improvements are made in line with the feedback.

*We have a Graduate Information System that maintains the strong communication of our graduate students with our university.

*According to the results of Self-Assessment, student and academic-administrative staff satisfaction results are 3.5 out of 4.


*Strengthening cooperation with our Internal and External Stakeholders,

*Strengthening the participation of our graduate students in the alumni information system platform,

*Strengthening international projects and cooperation,

*Strengthening the participation of foreign faculty and students in international exchange programs,

*Strengthening the number of publications, projects and patents produced from graduate theses,

*Establishing a project/patent target while preparing proposals for the thesis topic in graduate programs,

*Strengthening the number of projects involving our graduate students in cooperation with external sources (such as TUBITAK, EU funds),

*Strengthening the number of studies that produce added value and have the potential to produce products.


*Increasing the diversity of the programs in our institute and the number of student applications,

*Sufficient number of laboratories in our university to contribute to professional development,

*Our university and institute being one of the prestigious universities of Istanbul and increasing prestige thanks to the quality of education and training and its spatial location,

*To ensure the effective use of trained academic and technical manpower in national resources with the demands of international students to apply to our university at the graduate level and graduate programs to be opened in English,

*Gaining importance of quality culture is among our opportunities.


*The increasing number and quotas of other foundation universities in our country,

*The hesitancy of the trained manpower regarding the process and continuity of academic development,         

*Not being pro-active in the accreditation process and not starting the process with the right timing,

*The problems of graduates finding a job affect students' motivation.


*Implementing practices that will contribute to the publication processes of students in all graduate programs within our institute,

*Providing project and article writing trainings for our graduate students,

*In order to increase the quality of education and training, to increase the number of teaching staff by improving the course loads of faculty members,

*Controlling the planning and implementation of plans and practices to increase the competencies and research performance of academic staff,

*Ensuring more participation of foreign students in the process,

*Increasing promotional activities that encourage participation in international exchange programs in academic units,

*Strengthening cooperation and contact with external stakeholders,

*Ensuring more active participation of our graduate students in the alumni information system platform,

*While international student mobility is ensured, students and faculty members are encouraged to take part in more joint projects,

*Ensuring that the quality of graduate education is further enhanced through university and industry cooperation,

*Guiding students in the Scientific Research Methods and Ethics course by emphasizing projects and patents in the preparation of thesis topics,

*Increasing the number of studies that take into account priorities such as widespread impact, added value to society and science, and contribution to the national economy in academic studies should be ensured.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!