Intelligent Systems Working Group


Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Ihab ELAFF

FENS / Computer Engineering / PARGE Director

Research Focus

The Intelligent Systems group focuses mainly on the design, analysis, and implementation of computer-based systems supported by artificial intelligence methodologies. These systems include intelligent robotics systems, image processing methods, machine learning, computer vision, pattern recognition, etc. This group influences the graduation projects of computer engineering senior students by directing topics related to intelligent system activities. Group members applied for support for projects from various organizations such as TUBITAK. In addition, group members publish and prepare articles related to this focused area.

Published Papers (Indexed in Scopus Database)
Kongre-Konferans Katılımları
  • Binocular Machine Active Vision System for Robot’s Navigation Environment Reconstruction

    Kongre-Konferans Adı: ICAT 2020 - 9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies (ICAT'20)

    Tarih: 10.08.2020

    Katılımcı(lar): Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ihab Abdalla Ibrahim Mohamed ELAFF

Tüm Çalışma Grupları