Engineering and Health Science Group (EHS) Working Group


Prof.Dr. Mehmet SAVSAR

FENS / Head of Department - Industrial Engineering / Head of Engineering Management Master Program

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Ihab ELAFF

FENS / Computer Engineering

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Hasan ÇİÇEK

FENS / Industrial Engineering

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Kristin SURPUHİ BENLİ

FENS / Deputy Head of Department - Software Engineering


FENS / Deputy Head of Department - Chemical Engineering / GSS / Bioinformatics Master's Program - Head of Bioinformatics Department

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Shirin TARBIAT

FENS / Molecular Biology and Genetics (English)

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Tuğba BAL

FENS / Head of the Bioengineering Department (English)

Research Focus

It aims to develop technologies that support human health. These technologies; It includes topics such as modeling brain electrophysiology and tumor growth, drug repositioning applications, use of phytochemicals in the field of health, creating healthy cell models or disease models with tissue engineering and studying their areas of use.

Published Papers (Indexed in Scopus Database)
The Books / Book Chapters

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