New Media and Urban Research Working Group


Doç.Dr. Feride Zeynep GÜDER

FC / New Media and Communication Department / FHSS / English Translation and Interpreting Department

Doç.Dr. Cem TUTAR

FC / Radio, Television and Cinema Department / GSSS / Media and Cultural Studies Master’s Program / Head of the Media and Cultural Studies Department

Doç.Dr. Yıldıray KESGİN

FC / Journalism Department

Arş.Gör. Baran KAHRAMAN

FC / Visual Communication Design Department

Research Focus

The New Media and Urban Research Group has a conceptual framework that considers the research and studies covering the theory and practice of new media related to urban-related studies, especially in the context of spatial practices. Has got very rich conceptual and paradigmatic expansions such as New Media and Urban Studies; Digital Venue, Social Media and Urban Identity, Electronic Citizenship, City and Data Visualization, Digital Topography Software, Digital Stories, City and Ethics, Virtual Identities, Digital Surveillance and the City, Digital and Smart Cities, Urban Archeology, Urban Memory, Urban Storying, Psychological Mapping, Venue Oriented Social Networks, Augmented Reality and the City, Re-representation of venues in digital media. In this context, the research group aims to deal with the reflections of urban phenomena and studies in the new media together with their social, economic, psychological, and philosophical aspects. The New Media and Urban Studies Group aims to understand the meaning, power, and effects of new media on our lives and is a research group that works with an interdisciplinary perspective that supports the infrastructure of these studies with theories and concepts.

Published Papers (Indexed in Scopus Database)
The Books / Book Chapters
Kongre-Konferans Katılımları
  • “The Rise of Cancel Culture: In search of Peace and Redemptive Discourse in Digital Media"

    Kongre-Konferans Adı: The 8th World Conference on Media and Mass Communication 2023

    Tarih: 16.03.2023

    Katılımcı(lar): Doç. Dr. Feride Zeynep GÜDER

  • Algorithmic Culture and Political Communication

    Kongre-Konferans Adı: Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility For Teaching

    Tarih: 06.05.2024

    Katılımcı(lar): Doç. Dr. Feride Zeynep GÜDER

  • “Untranslatability of sufi and mystical terminologies in digital media as tertiary memory”

    Kongre-Konferans Adı: II. Uluslararası Akademik Çeviribilim Çalışmaları Kongresi-BAİBU – ICASTIS

    Tarih: 30.09.2024

    Katılımcı(lar): Doç. Dr. Feride Zeynep GÜDER

Other Scientific Studies
  • Miguel Hernanadez Universitesi Radyosunda "Artificial intelligence and politics" üzerine bir program gerçekleşmiştir.

    Kategori: Detaylı Medya Katılımı

    Tarih: 08.05.2024

    Katılımcı(lar): Doç. Dr. Feride Zeynep GÜDER

    Youtube Videosu
  • Üsküdar Üniversitesi Televizyonunda Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Feride Zeynep Güder'in hazırlayıp sunduğu "Satırların Ötesinde" programına konuk olarak katılım. Programda sosyolojik ve sosyal psikolojik bağlamda "Yorgunluk Toplumu" kavramı tartışılmıştır.

    Kategori: Detaylı Medya Katılımı

    Tarih: 05.03.2021

    Katılımcı(lar): Doç. Dr. Cem TUTAR

    Youtube Videosu
  • Tüm Çalışma Grupları