Design Science Study and Practice Group


Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Dicle YILDIRIM

FC / Visual Communication Design Department

Research Focus
Research Focus
The Design Science Research and Application Group aims to take a closer look at design science and to practice and work in areas that bring science closer to design and science. It aims to make applications and productions in the fields of visual communication design through design research. It focuses on the intersections between design science, creativity and scientificity. These fields may be specific fields of study, such as medical illustration, that bring design closer to science, as well as measurements related to the perception of the design product on the audience and the consumer, and studies to analyze it with clinical methods can be given as examples among these intersections. All sub-fields of visual communication design are the common motivation of the research and application group. Contributing to the science of design and improving the visualization of the potentials between these fields by engaging in various research efforts are among the primary objectives of this group.
Considering Design Science in the context of creativity
On the axis of Design Science, joint production and design to proactively implement and dynamic
Developing new approaches to traditional design methods
Developing methodologies for Design Science
Pointing out the importance of design
Discovering ways to know and understand design
Improving design education alongside design management and theory
Published Papers (Indexed in Scopus Database)
Henüz içerik eklenmemiştir
Kongre-Konferans Katılımları
  • Medikal İllüstrasyon ve Modelleme Çalışmaları Işığında Tasarım ve Bilim Arasındaki İlişkinin İzlerine Yakından Bakmak

    Kongre-Konferans Adı: 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON RESEARCH IN EDUCATION 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS, Digital Revolution and the Future of Education in the Digitally Globalised Village: Challenges and Opportunities,

    Tarih: 28.09.2023

    Katılımcı(lar): Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Dicle YILDIRIM

Tüm Çalışma Grupları