Business and Working Ethics Group Working Group


Prof.Dr. Elif ERHAN

Institute for Sufi Studies - Director

Prof.Dr. Emine YENİTERZİ

Institute for Sufi Studies – Deputy Director

Prof.Dr. Reşat ÖNGÖREN

Institute for Sufi Studies

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi F. Cangüzel GÜNER ZÜLFİKAR

Institute for Sufi Studies – Deputy Director

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Hatice Dilek GÜLDÜTUNA

Institute for Sufi Studies

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Omneya AYAD

Institute for Sufi Studies

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Arzu Eylül YALÇINKAYA

Institute for Sufi Studies

Research Focus

Working Focus
To achieve the strategic goals of the institutions, to be more effective in their fields of activity, to produce benefits to all their stakeholders and the ecosystem they are in, and to gain agility in responding to change, there are human-, culture-based and process-based development and improvement studies that they have to do inside. These studies can be evaluated under three different headings; 1) Quality Management Systems, 2) Production Management Development Methods, and 3) Organizational Management Tools. From a broad perspective, it may be possible to combine all the models referred to in points 1 and 2 under heading 3. Models designed to design the structure, functioning, and culture of institutions are included in this scope.
No matter how well designed these "integrated management systems" are, there are problems in their internalization/assimilation by enterprises and employees in Turkey. Since most models do not offer a common understanding that is compatible with the employee's cultural references and perspectives, it is difficult for the employee and the manager to adapt. For this reason, although these systems are used uniformly as a management tool in most enterprises, they cannot turn into an organizational culture in daily life and it is difficult to establish a connection of meaning for people. Therefore, in the simplest definition, the competencies, which are the behavioral sets that each institution looks for in its employees, can be planned following the basic concepts and behavior models of the culture in which the employees are raised. The "Work and Ethics" group came together to work on the connection of these systems with spirituality and cultural codes in terms of philosophy, content-language, and application formats. Between January and July 2021, 10 workshops were organized to clarify the study foci and the study focuses were structured around 15 seminars, some of which were based on graduate studies and/or professional consulting experience being carried out at the Institute.
Behaviors and Usage Areas in Business Life
Business Ethics – Islamic Business Ethics (IWE) and Protestant Business Ethics (PWE)
Current Status of Ethical Practices in Companies
Behaviors in Business Life, Definition of Competency and Relationship with Work
Ethical and Moral Concepts (In the Context of General Morality, Business Ethics, Professional Ethics and Work Ethics, Definitions of Environmental Ethics on behalf of institutions)
The Relationship Between Moral Religion
The Impact of Culture on Working Ethics
The Effect of the Environment on Behaviors in Working Life (System Human Harmony)
Basic Concepts in Ahilik and Ways of Adapting to the Present Day
The Values System at the Origin of Far Eastern Production Systems
Lean Management Systems in Banking and Finance Sector
Islamism Index Ranking Country Analysis
The Case of IKEA as a Production and Management Model
Organization of the Future and Sought-After Human Competencies
The leadership of the Future: Servant Leadership
Identified work foci:
Introduction of Management Tools and Systems
Change and Transformation That Management Tools and Systems Are Expected to Experience in the Future
Existing Models and Background Values in the World and Turkey
Promotion of Good Practice Examples in the World
Meta Narrative of Problems and Incompatible Situations in Turkey
Models/Approaches That Can Be Similarized from Cultural History
Criteria of the Studies to be Carried Out in Turkey on Coverage


Published Papers (Indexed in Scopus Database)
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