Rehabilitation in Temporomandibular Joint Diseases Working Group


Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Ömer ŞEVGİN

FHS / Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Özkan ERDOĞAN

Faculty of Dentistry/ Department of Oral, Dental and Jaw Surgery


FHS / Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Arş.Gör. Beyzanur DİKMEN HOŞBAŞ

FHS / Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Research Focus

The jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) plays a critical role in performing basic vital functions such as eating, speaking and breathing. Since the 1900s, problems with the jaw joint have been described with terms such as ‘Costen's Syndrome’ and ‘temporomandibular myoarthropathy’; today these conditions are generally referred to as ‘temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome’. It is an important problem that patients with jaw joint problems do not know which specialist to consult. Throughout history, many physicians from different specialities have dealt with these problems, and today it is recognised that jaw joint diseases require a multidisciplinary approach.

Purpose of the Working Group

The Rehabilitation in Jaw Joint Diseases Working Group has been established to fulfil the following objectives:

  • To provide the most accurate diagnosis and treatment opportunities for patients with jaw joint problems by bringing together different health professionals.
  • To enable Üsküdar University academic staff to collaborate and carry out joint studies.
  • To produce scientific publications and papers and to organise symposiums.
  • To provide opportunities for master's and doctoral students' thesis studies.
  • To create a suitable ground for TÜBİTAK projects and international collaborations.

Research and Field of Activity

  1. Treatment Process: Patients will be comprehensively evaluated by dentists and physiotherapists; cooperation with psychologists and other specialists will be provided when necessary.
  2. Assessment and Examination: Detailed anamnesis will be taken from the patients, mouth openings will be measured, joint sounds, if any, will be listened to and detailed examination procedures will be performed.
  3. Diagnosis Process: When necessary, examinations such as X-ray, MRI and EMG will be requested to ensure accurate diagnosis of diseases.
  4. Treatment Methods: Various treatment methods will be applied for diagnosed patients. These methods include:
    • Manual therapy (such as manipulation, mobilisation, post-isometric relaxation)
    • Therapeutic exercises for the temporomandibular joint
    • Medication treatments
    • Dry needling and acupuncture
    • Local injections
    • Joint lavage
    • Botulinum toxin injections
    • Specialised jaw exercises
    • Physiotherapy and joint stretching with special materials
    • Splint applications
    • Necessary dental treatment
    • Psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy
    • Surgical interventions

6. Training and Information: Information seminars and training programmes will be organised for health professionals and the public.


Patients who come to Üsküdar University, Oral and Dental outpatient clinic are referred to the Rehabilitation in Temporomandibular Joint Diseases team if deemed necessary by the dentist.

Membership and Participation

The working group will be open to experts, academics and health professionals working in the fields related to the jaw joint. Membership will be possible by attending group meetings and contributing to the projects carried out.

Published Papers (Indexed in Scopus Database)
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