Neuropsychology Laboratory

Psychological testing is a standard and objective measure of behavioral scales. The test results give us examples of behavior and allow us to compare it with the behavior of others. It gives examples of behavior under standard conditions and helps to evaluate people in more detail.

Today, tests are used for a variety of purposes and in various fields. However, in order to obtain a healthy result, the validity and reliability of the test must be made. Most importantly, these tests are done by a psychologist who has passed the test training and has gained experience.

Psychological tests used in Turkey in general can be divided into 5 groups;

  • General intelligence tests,
  • Special talent and skill tests,
  • Organizational distinctive attention and memory tests,
  • Personality tests;
    1. Objective,
    2. Projective
  • Scales

Some tests conducted in our laboratory:

Computerized Clinical Diagnostic Tests (Vienna Test System) Intelligence Tests:

Açıklama: Nöropsikoloji Laboratuvarı

  • SPM – Standard Progressive Matrices Test (Reasoning)
  • CPM – Colored Progressive Matrices Test -

Ability Tests

  • COG – Continuous Attention & Problem Solving Test
  • DAUF – Continuous Attention
  • NVLT – Nonverbal Learning Test

Schuhfried Diagnostic Scales

Açıklama: Nöropsikoloji Laboratuvarı

The Schuhfried Diagnostic Scales within the Vienna Test System are performed in a computer environment. These include Cognitive Tests that measure competence such as perception, understanding, comprehension, reasoning, intelligence, memory, attention, and so on.

Neuropsychology Laboratory 200 m2 alana sahiptir.

Device Type

Device Number

A database of commonly used Turkish validity and reliability tests around the world


Faculty of Medicine / Head of Neurology Department / FHS - Speech and Language Therapy / FHSS - Psychology

CV Görüntüle Özgeçmiş A. Oğuz TANRIDAĞ / (0216) 633 0 633 : 4121
Cumhur TAŞ, MD, Ph.D

FHSS / Psychology (English) / Faculty of Medicine / Mental Health and Diseases

CV Görüntüle Özgeçmiş Cumhur TAŞ / (0216) 400 22 22 : 2311