Routine Medical Analysis Laboratory

The general and major objectives of the Medical Laboratory Techniques program are to;
- Train the professional staff who have assimilated general concepts and principles of the medical area,
- Have the information based on the universal science and education in medical laboratory fields,
- Combine theoretical knowledge with practice,
- Use diagnostic techniques (Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and Cytogenetics etc.),
- Prepare and share the datas properly and consequently to turn into a qualified staff who work within medical and/or healthcare sector.
In these terms, microscopy, culture, serology, immunological tests, routine biochemical analysis, sterilization/disinfection/antisepsis practices, case studies, important diagnostic applications including the basic molecular tests are carried out in Routine Medical Analysis Laboratory.
Device Type | Device Number |
Mikroskop (10'lık, 40'lık ve 100'lük Objektifli) | 5 |
Isıtıcılı Manyetik Karıştırıcı | 1 |
Bio-Rad Uview Mini Transilluminator jel görüntüleme cihazı | 1 |
Elektroforez Seti | 1 |
McFarland Ayarlama Cihazı | 1 |
Miktropipet | 5 |
Ultrasonikatör | 1 |
Distile su makinesi | 1 |
Otoklav | 1 |
Soğutmalı Santrifüj | 1 |
Pasteur Fırını | 1 |
Çift Kapılı Buzdolabı (+4 ve -20) | 1 |