Nursing Doctorate Degree (PhD) - About

Graduate School of Health Sciences Ph.D. Program in Nursing Department

The PhD program of Nursing department was opened with the decision of the Council of Higher Education in 26.06.2015 under the Graduate School of Health Sciences. The program is the first doctorate program opened within Üsküdar University.

The importance of doctoral programs in providing a strong service in the core professions of the field of health and in the scientific discipline of nursing, with its unique knowledge is great.

Purpose of Nursing PhD Programs; nursing and health services focused on the development of independent and unique research can provide a profound and extensive information on the national and global level of science and humanity by presenting the benefit of the national and global level of the theoretical bases of nursing by reaching a new synthesis, to educate nursing faculty members and nurses who are able to test the efficacy of nursing models and develop new care models, to produce policies related to the health problems of the society, and to be academicians who are sensitive to ethical issues and leading nurses in their fields of application.

With the PhD Program in Nursing opened in our university;

  • Training of researcher nurses to contribute to the development of universal science in the basic areas of nursing
  • The development of evidence-based clinical care and other service areas through research and the contribution to the knowledge and scientific development of the profession,
  • It is aimed to educate nurses who have specialized in the theoretical subjects, concepts, principles and methods on which they are based, and develop their own unique nursing philosophy in this way,
  • To educate future faculty members who will lead the development of undergraduate and graduate education programs and nursing care services in universities,
  • It is aimed to contribute to the upgrading of the quality of nursing education through doctoral faculty members.
  • PhD Programs in Nursing Department;
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Internal Medicine Nursing
  • Surgical Diseases Nursing
  • Women's Health and Disease Nursing
  • Child Health and Disease Nursing
  • Nursing Principles and Management
  • Community Health Nursing
  • The duration of the program is four semesters and a total of four semesters dissertations for eight semesters. Students may complete the course period in three semesters with the condition of completing the credits and number of courses specified in the program. The language of the program is Turkish.

Admission of the students to the program is carried out within the framework of the related articles of the Üsküdar University Graduate Education and Training Regulation.

The program consists of joint compulsory courses of the Department and compulsory courses for specialization fields as well as elective courses, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis studies. Elective courses according to the interests of students; can be taken from the Department of Medicine, from other programs of the Graduate School of Health Sciences or from other graduate-schools.

Students are required to take 120 ECTS credits to get their doctorate degree.

Graduate program graduates are accepted to the program in accordance with the program coordinatorship of the above-mentioned specialization areas of the nursing program and received in the Scientific preparatory program.

Students who have successfully completed the program are entitled to PhD degree in the field of Nursing.

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