Clinical Anatomy Doctorate Degree (PhD) - About


In the modern sense, in medical education, it is emphasized that the physician can connect theoretical knowledge and clinical applications. Especially in basic science courses, theoretical knowledge-based medical education from the last century is being restructured. Anatomy, which is the most weighted course of basic sciences, is seen as the course that needs these innovations most. Learning about human body structure, which is quite detailed and complex with new terminology, is a heavy burden in itself. In classical anatomy training, even this burden of knowledge cannot be fully given, and moreover, function and clinical connections can be completely ignored. While the physicians of the modern age are being trained, it is clear that the education of anatomists of the modern age should not be neglected.

Only physicians and dentists are accepted to the Clinical Anatomy Ph.D. program that we organize with this view. In addition, we know that physicians who have already done a clinical residency, especially in surgical branches, will be interested in this program. For this reason, in addition to anatomists, our physician academicians who are experienced in surgical clinical branches have been selected as faculty members of the program.

The language of instruction in the program is Turkish. The curriculum is prepared by considering the contents of developed countries.

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