Addiction Consultancy and Rehabilitation Master's Degree - About

Üsküdar University Graduate School of Health Sciences Addiction Consultancy and Rehabilitation Master’s Program 

The Concept and Purpose of Addiction Consultancy and Rehabilitation Master’s Program 

Addiction is a social problem that is becoming increasingly important all over the world. The prevalence of substance use in our country is increasing and the age of starting to use is decreasing every year. Unfortunately, the increase in use is accompanied by an increase in the number of deaths. There is also a growing need for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services to intervene in increasingly addictive problems. Prevention studies have an important place in fight against addiction. Psychological counselors, social workers and health workers are occupational groups that play a particular role in prevention efforts worldwide. Recently, a number of new addiction treatment centers have been opened in our country in order to meet the needs of treatment and rehabilitation services. Unfortunately, the number of specialists with knowledge and skills related to addiction is very low.

The purpose of this program is to educate researchers who are the foundation of "evidence-based" treatment and to increase the number of academicians and researchers in the field of addiction. For this purpose, the Addiction Consultancy and Rehabilitation Master Program in Üsküdar University Graduate School of Health Sciences, was facilitated in 2016.

Differences between Addiction Consultancy and Rehabilitation Master’s Programs 

Addiction is a complex disease caused by multifactor. For this reason, addiction treatment can only be done by multidisciplinary teamwork. In this respect, while the training program was being prepared, it was noted that the experts were organized according to their professions. Specialization of the students with prevention and counseling in the addiction field, individual addiction therapy, family interventions, rehabilitation, intervention in ethics and judicial situations are planned. Compulsory and elective courses are planned according to the graduate’s program.

In addition, in order to increase the effectiveness of the program, students have the opportunity to turn their theoretical knowledge into practice at the AMATEM Clinic in the framework of the protocol with NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital. During this period, the existing laboratories such as Neuropsychology and Psychology Laboratories, Neurophysiology Laboratories, Clinical Biochemistry and Toxicology Laboratories, Clinical Pharmacogenetic Laboratory, Brain Stimulation Laboratories in the hospital can be used.

Who Can Participate in the Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation Master’s Program?

People who work or would like to work in the field of programmed addiction based on the items related to student admission of the Graduate Education and Training Regulation should be graduates of Department of Medicine, Department of Nursing with undergraduate level, Pharmacy, Psychology, Sociology, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Social Services, Police Academy.

Our Academic Staff

All of the academic staff consists of clinicians and academicians who are experts in the field of addiction. Our expert team aims to convey its knowledge and experience within the program.

Program Manager and Coordinator: Prof. Nesrin DİLBAZ

Education Coordinator: Psychologist Aslı BAŞABAK BHAIS

Web Coordinator: Psychologist Saadet ÇENGEL KAYAR

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