Applied Psychology Master's Degree - Academic Staff

Prof. 2 Assoc. Prof. 1 Asst. Prof. 2 Lect.(Ph.D) 1 Lect. 2 Total 8

K. Nevzat TARHAN, MD Professor

President/ Faculty of Medicine/ Mental Health and Diseases / Graduate School of Social Sciences / Head of Department of Clinical Psychology Master's Degree


Remziye KESKİN, MD Assistant Professor

VSHS /Anesthesia / SOBE / Deputy Director / Head of Applied Psychology Department / Maternal and Infant Mental Health Application and Research Center - Center Manager


F. Gökben HIZLI SAYAR, MD Professor

Rector's Advisor / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / FHSS / Psychology (English) / ISS / Assistant Manager /Deputy Director of Graduate School of Social Sciences / Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology / Director of


Sinem Zeynep METİN, MD Associate Professor

Faculty of Medicine / Department of Mental Health and Diseases / FHSS / Psychology


Selami Varol ÜLKER, Ph.D.

ITBF / Psychology / SOBE / Deputy Director / Head of Neuromarketing Department


Diler ÖZYURT, Ph.D Instructor

(Part time) GSSS / Applied Psychology Master's Program


Fatima Serra ARSLAN, Instructor

(Part time) GSSS / Applied Psychology Master's Program

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