Family Counseling Master's Degree - Mission and Vision


Family and Marriage Counseling Program aims to educate future clinicians to serve the society. Master’s Program also targets at developing a sound foundation for the students who would like to advance their academic studies via doctoral studies. Our program aims to empower our students with theories, assessment tools, research methods and  family counseling applications to provide highest quality service in the society. Family and Marriage Counseling program’s mission also includes graduating family counselors with ethical standards.


Üsküdar Üniversitesi Family and Marriage Counseling Master’s Program would like to be preferred by future family counselors who would like to develop their knowledge, competency and ethical standards at the highest level. Our faculty and students target to graduate the best clinicians to serve in Turkey or in other countries through following the path of knowledge, academic research and creative thinking.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!