Family Counseling Master's Degree - About

What is Family Counseling Master’s Program?

The high demand for family based therapeutic interventions causes Family Counseling to be popular in Turkey and in the World. According to current research, most of the clinical problems that psychologists deal with are family based issues. Intervention techniques that are used in Family Counseling aim at the clinical problems of individuals, families and the social relations of the families. Some of these problems include psychopathology, domestic violence, marriage and divorce, child development, children and adolescence problems, migrant family problems elderly care and chronic illnesses.

Family Counseling Master’s Program in Graduate School of Social Sciences aim at educate counselors who would approach the most  common serious problems in mental health field with family based evaluation and interventions methods. The program also aims at training competent counselors who would serve people with different cultural backgrounds in social, relational and personal problems. Through academic research our graduate program target at creating new models for couples and family therapy to provide experts into private and public sector institutions operating in mental health field.

What are the Courses that are Offered in Family Counseling Master’s Program?

Family Counseling master's program aims to educate counselors both in Turkey and in the world as practitioners and researchers. Advanced Research Methods in Family Therapy, Family Counseling Theories, family Law and Child Act, Professional Ethics in Family Counseling, Developmental Psychology in Family Counseling, Family Counseling Interventions, Family Counseling Applications, Human Sexuality, Family Sociology and Crisis and Trauma Interventions in Family Therapy are the major courses offered in the program.

Who should apply to the Family Counseling Master’s Program?

Graduates form the Family Counseling Master’s Program are eligible to carry the title of “Family Counselor”. In accordance with the Regulation on Counseling Centers to be opened by Real Persons and Private Legal Entities and Public Institutions and Organizations numbered 28401 and published in the Official Gazette dated 04.09.2012 only people with four years undergraduate studies in psychology, psychological counseling and guidance, sociology sociology, nursing, social work, medicine and child development may qualify to ca5rry the title of “family Counselor” if they have a master’s degree in this area.

Where do Family Counseling Master’s Program Graduates Work?

Family Counseling master’s degree graduates with four years of undergraduate degree in psychology, psychological counseling and guidance, sociology, nursing, social work, medicine and child development take family health and development positions in private and public sector, non-governmental organizations, family health centers and universities. They are also employed as “Family Counselors” in Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health and associated institutions, Private Family Counseling Centers and municipalities.

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