Clinical Psychology Master's Degree - Publications and Dissertations


Ünübol, H., Sayar, G. H., Hussain, Z., Savcı, M., Kircaburun, K., & Griffiths, M. D. (2024). Problematic social networking site use in Turkey: A large-scale national survey study. Journal of Concurrent Disorders.

Ay, T., & Hızlı Sayar, F. G. (2024). Association between Metacognitive Beliefs and COVID-19 phobia in a community population: a cross-sectional study. Current Psychology, 43(14), 13133-13143.

Çınaroğlu, M., Yılmazer, E., Ülker, S. V., Ahlatcıoğlu, E. N., & Sayar, G. H. (2024). Efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing muscle dysmorphia symptoms among Turkish gym goers: A pilot study. Acta Psychologica, 250, 104542.

Ülker, S. V., Sümer, B. N., Sönmez Kence, E., & Hızlı Sayar, F. G. (2024). Psychophysiological Investigation of the Effects of Virtual Reality, the New Dimension of Retail Shopping, on Generation Z. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-14.

Çınaroğlu, M., Yılmazer, E., Alpugan, Z., & Sayar, G. H. (2024). Psychological Impact of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes on Non-Victims. medRxiv, 2024-07.

Tutgun-Unal, A., Deligoz, E., Ince, I., Sariyer, E., Cevirir, C. A., Mete, Z. C., ... & Tarhan, N. (2024). Development of the Tendency of Lying in Digital Environments Scale (TOLDES) and Investigation of Psychometric Properties. Journal of Addiction Research, 8(1), 1-18.

Demir, V., & Hızlı, G. (2023). Bilinçli Farkındalık Temelli Bilişsel Terapi Programının Şizofreni Hastalarının Ruhsal Belirti Düzeylerine Etkisi. Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, 3(1), 46-63.

Sav, S., Doğan, İ. A., & Keskin, R. (2023). “Özel Gereksinimli Çocuğu Olan Ebeveynlerin Psikolojik İyi Oluşları ile Bakım Verme Yükleri Arasındaki İIişkinin İncelenmesi”, Mutluluk ve İyi Oluş Dergisi, S24-38, Doi: 10.32739/usmut.2023.8.14.X

Kircaburun, K., Ünübol, H., Sayar, G. H., Çarkçı, J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2023). Sex addiction in Turkey: A large-scale survey with a national community sample. Current Psychology, 42(4), 2947-2955.

Ecer, K., Ulker, S. V., & Sayar, G. H. (2023). Toward a More Circular Economy: Would Climate Change Worry Affect Preference for Recycled Products? A Psychophysiological Study. Sustainability and Climate Change, 16(6), 437-448.

Balcı, F., Ünübol, H., Grondin, S., Sayar, G. H., van Wassenhove, V., & Wittmann, M. (2023). Dynamics of retrospective timing: A big data approach. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30(5), 1840-1847.

Özdoğan, B., Sayar, G. H., & Ünübol, H. (2022). The Relationship of Covıd-19 Related Anxiety with Positive and Negative Emotions of Individuals. Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology (CTJPP)/Kıbrıs Türk Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 4(3).

Gümüş, Z., Keskin, R., & Tarhan, N., (2022). PERMA Modeline Göre Pozitif Psikoloji Eğitiminin İyi Oluş Üzerine Etkisi. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (14), 1-12.

Ünübol, B., Ünsalver, B. Ö., Ünübol, H., & Sayar, G. H. (2022). The prevalence and psychological relation of problem shopping: data from a large-scale sample from Turkey. BMC psychology, 10, 1-10.

Ünübol, H., & Sayar, G. H. (2022). Substance use and its risk factors in Turkey: A nationally representative sample study. Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, 21(2), 476-498.

Kampeyas, R. K., Unubol, H., Ozdogan, B., Keskin, R., Dogan, I. A., & Sayar, G. H. (2021). Depression, Anxiety and Anger Levels in Spouses of Hemodialysis Patients. The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, 8(3), 217-221.

Gümüş Demir, Z., Keskin, R., & Güler, K. (2021). The Effect of the Positive Psychology Interaction Group Program on Anger And Hope in Elderly Individuals. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics/Türk Geriatri Dergisi, 24(1).

Cinar, T., Tan, O., Keskin, R., & Sayar, G. H. (2021). The Relationship between Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Religious Attitudes. The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, 8(1), 36-41.

Ünübol, H., & Hızlı Sayar, G. (2021). Prevalence and sociodemographic determinants of substance use in Turkey. European addiction research, 27(6), 447-456.

 Sancak, B., Özer Agırbas, Ü., Kilic, C., & Sayar, G. (2020). Covid-19-related anxiety levels in physicians: a preliminary study. Düşünen Adam-Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 33(4).


Doğan İ. A., Sayar F. G. H., Alzheimer's Caregiver Psychoeducation-Based Psychological Support Telerehabilitation, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2024, (27.07.2024), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Özdoğan B., Ünübol B., Ünübol H., Sayar G. H., Covid-19 Salgın Hastalık Kaygısı ve Sosyal Medya Kullanım Amaçları İlişkisi, 5. Uluslararası Pozitif Psikoloji Kongresi, (12.03.2023), İstanbul

Özşahin A., Sayar G. H., Arı R., Güvenli Bağlanma konusunda Aile Hekimlerinin Farkındalığı, 21st Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress, (12.05.2022), Adana Türkiye

Sayar G. H., Pandemi Döneminde Psikolojik Sağlamlık, 4. Uluslararası Pozitif Psikoloji Kongresi, (19.03.2022), İstanbul

Sayın F., Doğan İ. A., Keskin R., Sayar G. H., Ünübol H., Investigation of the relation between internet addiction and family functionality in university students, 9th Conference of the International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy, (03.11.2021), Online

Beyaz S., Keskin R., Doğan İ. A., Sayar G. H., Özten E., The role of emotional intelligence in the relation between childhood traumas and prosocial behaviors of young adults, 9th Conference of the International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy, (03.11.2021), Online

Özdoğan B., Sayar G. H., Ünübol H., The Relationship of Covid-19 Related Anxiety with Individuals' Positive and Negative Emotions, 9th Conference of the International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy, (03.11.2021), Online

Sayar G. H., Küresel Salgınlarda Sağlık Yönetimi, 4. Uluslararası 14. Ulusal Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi, (15.10.2021), İstanbul Türkiye

Sayar G. H., G20 Summit/ Neuroscience 20 World Brain Mapping & Therapeutic Initiative, G20 Summit/ Neuroscience 20 World Brain Mapping & Therapeutic Initiative, (21.11.2020), Çevrimiçi

Doğan İ. A., Omay O., Sayar G. H., Kişilerarası İletişim Aracı Olarak Mesajlaşma (Texting), 7. Uluslararası İletişim Günleri, (23.10.2020), İstanbul - Türkiye

Doğan İ. A., Ünübol H., Sayar G. H., Kişilerarası Psikoterapi Temelli Alzheımer Bakım Veren İyi Oluş Programı, Psikoloji Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, (27.06.2020), İstanbul - Türkiye

SAYAR F. G. H., Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, 12. Psikofarmakoloji Kongresi, (17.04.2020)

Sayar F. G. H., Ünübol H., Tarhan K. N., Gül E., Ruh Sağlığı Çalışanlarının Sanal Gerçeklik Tedavileri Konusundaki Tutum ve Yaklaşımları, 5. Psikiyatri Zirvesi & 12. Anksiyete Kongresi, (21.03.2020)

Sayar F. G. H., Ünübol H., Demirci O. O., Arslan F. S., Otizmli Çocuğa Sahip Ailelerde Benlik Algısı: Karşılaştırmalı Çalışma, 5. Psikiyatri Zirvesi & 12. Anksiyete Kongresi, (21.03.2020)

Sayar F. G. H., Nörodejeneratif hastalıklarda psikobiyotik kullanımı, Multidisipliner Nörodejenerasyon Kongresi, (15.03.2020)

Sayar F. G. H., OKB'de Transkranial Manyetik Uyarım Tedavisi Kullanımı, MEDKON - İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Tıp Öğrencileri Kongresi, (28.02.2020)


Sayar G. H., (2024). Psikolojide Güncel Araştırmalar, ISBN:

Tarhan, N., Tutgun Ünal, A. (2023). Metaverse ve İletişimin Geleceği, Der Yayınları, ISBN: 978-975-353-744-5.

Gümüş, Z., (2022). Yaşlılık Psikolojisini Anlamak, Nobel Yayınevi, ISBN: 978-625-427-267-7.

Tarhan N., Konuk M., Karahan M., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ayvaz S. Ö., Sayar F. G. H., (2022). Ülküer N., Ayas H., Güder F. Z., New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, ISBN: 10.5772/intechopen.104098.

Tarhan, N., Tutgun Ünal, A. (2022). Metaverse Dijital Oyun Psikolojisi, Der Yayınları, ISBN: 978-975-353-703-2

Sayar G. H., Ünübol H., (2021). Peptides in Brain Disorders, (2021), ISBN: 9780367473280.

Sayar F. G. H., Şahne M. E., (2020). Aviation Psychology - Chapter Ten, (2020), ISBN: 978-1-5275-4446-8.

Sayar, G. H. S., Ünübol, H., Özdoğan B., (2020). Psikoloji Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, ISBN: 978-605-9596-31-2.

Sayar, G. H., Ünübol H., Tarhan N., (2020). COVID-19: Korkular, Kaygılar, Olgunlaşma, ISBN: 978-605-9596-32-9.

Sayar G. H., Özdoğan B., (2020). Travmayı Anlamak, ISBN: 978-605-9596-35-0.

Ünübol, H., Sayar F. G. H., (2019). Türkiye Bağımlılık Risk Profili ve Ruh Sağlığı Haritası

Sayar G. H., Ünübol H., (2021). Gebelikte ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemde Ruhsal Bozuklukların Sağaltım Kılavuzu - Gebelikte ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemde Transkranial Manyetik Uyarım Tedavisi., ISBN: 978-605-74838-5-0.

Sayar G. H., Omay O., (2021). Gebelikte ve Doğum Sonrası Dönemde Ruhsal Bozuklukların Sağaltım Kılavuzu - Gebelik İnkârı, ISBN: 978-605-74838-5-0.

Özdoğan B., Sayar G. H., Tarhan N., (2020). Travmayı Anlamak/1.Travma Kongresi Konuşmaları, (2020), ISBN: 1111.

Sayar, F. G. H., Özten, E., (2020). Şiddet ve Travmaya Psikiyatrik Bakış, ISBN: 9786052588130.

Sayar, F. G. H., Omay, O., (2019). Kişilerarası İlişkiler Psikoterapisi Nedir?, ISBN: 978-605-7597-88-5.

Sayar, F. G. H., Omay, O., (2019). Kişilerarası İlişkiler Psikoterapisinin Kuramsal Temelleri ve Etki Mekanizması, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-7597-88-5.


HAMRA YOLAÇAN (2024). Research of the effectiveness of the Deep Transcraniak Magnetic Stimulation therapy in individuals diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HABİB ERENSOY

YAREN SENA YURTOĞLU (2024). The relationship of perceived emotional abuse with psychological resilience, body image and Beck's cognitive triad among adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. HATİCE YILDIZ BURKOVİK

HÜRREM AKSAKAL (2023). Examination of the relationship between positive mental health and marital satisfaction. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  OĞUZ TAN

ÖZENÇ ÖZKAN (2023). The effect of future anxiety and perceived social support on depression in young adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MERT AKCANBAŞ

SERCAN GİDİK (2023). The relationship between childhood traumas and temperament. Advisor: PROF. DR. SERMİN KESEBİR

GÜLCİHAN BAKIR (2023). The effect of early attachment style and adult relationship with mother on relationship beliefs in women. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MERT AKCANBAŞ

BÜŞRA ODABAŞ (2023). The relationship between anxiety sensitivity and conscious awareness. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

BEYZA ATLI (2023). Play addiction tendencies and developments in children of 5-6 years old fine motor, gross motor, language and social-personal skills developments. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MİNE ELAGÖZ YÜKSEL

EBRAR RUMEYSA YILMAZ (2023). The relationship between online shopping addiction and life satisfaction in Üsküdar University female students. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  BARIŞ ÖNEN ÜNSALVER

GAMZE GÜNDOĞMUŞ KILINÇ (2023). The mediating role of parental attitudes and attachment styles in the relationship between childhood adverse experiences and anxiety. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  SİNEM ZEYNEP METİN

SEMA KARABULUT (2023). The relationship between traumatic experiences and personality dimensions in alcohol-impaired driving behaviors of drivers enrolled in driver behavior improvement training. Advisor: PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ ERKMEN

AYŞE TUĞÇE PEKMEZCİ (2023). The relation of perceived social support during pregnancy and psychological resilience with childbirth fear. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. REMZİYE KESKİN

AYŞE KOÇ (2023). Investigation of career stress and general self-efficacy levels in university students in terms of type A and B personality patterns. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. REMZİYE KESKİN

TAHA BERK ŞENDAĞ (2023). Examining the effects of adult individuals narcissistic tendencies and childhood traumas on their attitudes towards death. Advisor: PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ ERKMEN

BETÜL SELMA AKBIYIK (2023). Psychosocial factors affecting resilience in adults. Advisor: PROF. DR. CUMHUR TAŞ

ELİF BERFİN ERTÜREN (2023). The relationship between parenting styles and dyadic perfectionism and relationship satisfaction. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MERT AKCANBAŞ

SALİHA MEŞE (2023). Examining the relations between capacity of emotion perception and regulation with early developmental period in adults. Advisor: PROF. DR. CUMHUR TAŞ

SENA KALAZ (2023). The evaluation of the effects of social stigmatization, loneliness and hopelessness on treatment motivation of the individuals who are inpatient due to the substance and alcohol usage disorder. Advisor: PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ ERKMEN

BÜŞRA DEVECİOĞLU (2023). Investigation of the relationship of marrial satisfaction with psychological wellness and forgiving behavior in married individuals. Advisor: PROF. DR. GÜL ERYILMAZ

CEMRE KURT (2023). The relationship of emotion difficulty and dysfunctional attitudes with depressive symptoms in young adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. HAZAL AYAS

SEZİN SIRMACI (2023). Relationship between eating attitudes and temperament. Advisor: PROF. DR. SERMİN KESEBİR

BUSE CAN (2023). The relationship between attention defict and hyperactivity disorder symptoms, anxiety sensitivity and game addicition in adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

MELİSA YESARİOĞLU (2023). The relationship between internet addiction and loneliness in university students. Advisor: PROF. DR. FERİDE GÖKBEN HIZLI SAYAR

ELİF GÖRMÜŞ (2023). Investigation of perfectionism, anger management and diffigulties in emotional regulation in individuals with migraine or without migraine. Advisor: PROF. DR. BARIŞ METİN

EZGİ ÖZAY (2022). Examination of relationship between sexual satisfaction and attachment styles and marital adjustment in married individuals. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. ALPTEKİN ÇETİN

ŞEYMA NUR GEZER (2022). Investigation of the relationship between emotion expression skills and emotion regulation difficulties with somatization symptoms. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  CEMAL ONUR NOYAN

SEBİL FEVZİYE ARSLAN (2022). Examination of the relationship between the perceptions of the parent relationship of individuals in Turkish society and the match selection strategies in youth adult. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  AYLİN TUTGUN ÜNAL

HAKAN KARAKAYA (2022). The relationship between social media addiction and impulsinevess in fat individuals living in Istanbul. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HÜSEYİN ÜNÜBOL

ÖMER BİLGİÇ (2022). Anxious-avoidant trap: Examination of romantic relationships in the context of attachment styles. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. ALPER EVRENSEL

NADİDE ÖZGE ULUDAĞ (2022). Investigation of the relationship between internet addiction and early maladaptive schemas in university students. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. EMRE TOLUN ARICI

GİZEM KADIOĞLU (2022). Examination of the relationship between no mobile phone (Nomophobia) and social connectedness, need for social approval, interpersonal relationship style in university students. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HABİB ERENSOY

TUĞBA ATA SOLMAZ (2022). Evaluation of psychological resilience of the experts working in the juvenile justice system. Advisor: PROF. DR. SERMİN KESEBİR

AFRA SELMA TAYGAR (2022). The relationship between psychological inflexibility, and well-being and functioning in everyday life: An n-of-1 observational study using digital diaries in patients with fibromyalgia. Advisor: PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ ERKMEN

BURAK EMRE KADAK (2022). Comparison of sexual development characteristics of 11-18 years old children with autism spectrum disorder and children with intellectual disabilities. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MİNE ELAGÖZ YÜKSEL

HAVVANUR GÜNEŞ (2022). Comparison of parental attitude and self-esteem levels in individuals diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and parentel attitude and self-esteem levels in individuals not diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HABİB ERENSOY

DENİZ ULUSOY (2022). Evaluation of continuous anxiety and quality of life among public and private workers during the pandemic. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HÜSEYİN ÜNÜBOL

HEPSEN NUR GÜRBEY (2022). Relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction of men and women diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disordercomparison in terms. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  OĞUZ TAN

FATMA ŞAHİN (2022). Examining the relationship of perceived psychological control from parents with perfectionism and self-esteem. Advisor: PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ ERKMEN

ECE KUTSAL (2022). Comparison of the effects of substance use disorder severity on life in people with opioid and stimulant use. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HABİB ERENSOY

CEMİLE EDİBE OKUR (2022). The relationship between mentalization, coping mechanisms and perceived social support in people with obsessive compulsive disorder. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

MELİSA AKSU (2022). Investigating the relationship between impulsivity and cognitive flexibility and gambling severity in individuals diagnosed with gambling disorder. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  CEMAL ONUR NOYAN

NESLİHAN AKKUŞ (2022). Examination of the relationship between test anxiety and emotional intelligence of university students. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

AYŞENUR BENLİ (2022). Coping levels of precautionary behaviors in inviduals and their effect on psychological well-being in the COVID-19 process. Advisor: PROF. DR. FERİDE GÖKBEN HIZLI SAYAR

İPEK TÜRE (2022). Examination of the relationship between the frequency of smartphone use and depression in adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MERT AKCANBAŞ

EBRU ÇELİK (2022). The mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the effect of emotional availability of parents on resilience. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HÜSEYİN ÜNÜBOL

ELİF IŞIL GÜRCÜOĞLU (2022). Investigation of the relationship between early incompatible schemes, eating attitudes and self-perception in university students. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. HAZAL AYAS

İLKNUR KIZILAY (2022). Investigation of relationship experiences of individuals with different attachment styles by online interpretative phenomenological analysis (OİPA). Advisor: PROF. DR. GÜL ERYILMAZ BEYTAŞ

BÜKE KENAN (2022). Relationship between mindfulness, delay of gratification and problematic smartphone use. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  CEMAL ONUR NOYAN

GAMZE ALTINTAŞ AKTAŞ (2022). In individuals in the first five years of marriage; Examining parenting styles and attachment dimensions, the perception of mattering by spouse and the effect on marriage satisfaction. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. ZEYNEP GÜMÜŞ DEMİR

HASRET KARAKUŞ (2022). The relationship of social support perceived by carers of oncology patients and quality of life, anxiety and depression levels. Advisor: PROF. DR. FERİDE GÖKBEN HIZLI SAYAR

MERVE ÖZÇELİK KESKİN (2022). Attachment styles and self-compassion as predictors of depression. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  CEMAL ONUR NOYAN

EKİN SU BİRDEN (2022). Examination of attachment styles of pet owners and comparison of pet owners and non-pet owners attachment styles. Advisor: PROF. DR. FERİDE GÖKBEN HIZLI SAYAR

TUĞÇE DABAĞER (2022). The relationship between irrational beliefs, somatization and emotion regulation skills in adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

EDA BİLGİÇ (2022). Investigation of the relationship between epidemic anxiety and socio-demographical characteristics of the behavioral-inhibition and activation system in people living in Istanbul. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HÜSEYİN ÜNÜBOL

ECEM KÖSE (2022). The evaluation of problematic internet use by age groups on moral maturity and self-transcendence. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  OĞUZ TAN

İREM BAYER (2022). The relationship between depression, anxiety, stress and emotional eating during pandemic period. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  ALPER EVRENSEL

GÖZE KAÇMAZOĞLU (2022). Investigation of the relationship between borderline personality traits and neuropsychological parameters. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

MÜBERRA KONDU (2022). Investigation of the relationship between social comparison levels and anger expression styles of working individuals. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HABİB ERENSOY

MELİKE AYDIN (2022). Investigation of the relationship between the attitudes to violence against women and cognitive distortion and automatic thoughts of the living in Istanbul. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. ASLI ZEYNEP BAŞABAK BHAIS

KÜBRA KAYA (2022). An investigation of the relationship of childhood traumatic experiences with obsessive beliefs, fear of happiness, and difficulty in emotion regulation. Advisor: PROF. DR. SERMİN KESEBİR

GÜLÇİN SENA UZUNÇİÇEK (2022). Investigation of the relationship between emotion regulation skills of preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and psychosocial well-being of their mothers. Advisor: PROF. DR. CUMHUR TAŞ

İPEK KÖKSAL (2022). Investigation of the relationship between emotion regulation skilss, automatic negative thoughts and life satisfaction of FPS game players. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. ASLI ZEYNEP BAŞABAK BHAIS

BETÜL AKDAŞ (2022). The role of obsessive beliefs and anxiety levels on parentification in adult individuals. Advisor: PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ ERKMEN

RAFET ERHAN ŞERMET (2022). The relationships between the right wing authoritarianism and the belief in a just world, social sensitivities, political preference and sociodemographic featuresy among university students and graduates. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HÜSEYİN ÜNÜBOL

SENA NUR CİVİL (2021). The effect of the relationship between gender roles and marital ad-justment on subjective well-being of married individuals. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. BARIŞ ÖNEN ÜNSALVER

ZEYNEP ŞEVVAL KOÇAL (2021). An investigation of the relationship between life satisfaction and cognitive errors in middle adulthood. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MERVE ÇEBİ

FATMA ÇADIRCI (2021). Research of relationship between cigarette addiction and impulsivity and childhood life in women. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  HÜSEYİN ÜNÜBOL

AYŞE NUR ŞEN (2021). investigate children's emotion regulation skills and attachment styles depending on their mothers' emotion regulation. Advisor: DR. MERVE ÇEBİ

FURKAN KARTAL KAYA (2021). The examination of the relationship between eating behavior and satisfaction with life, self-love, and self-efficacy in overweight and obese adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. MERVE SETENAY İRİS KOÇ

CANSU YURTSEVEN (2021). Investigation of the relationship between psychological complaints and symptom levels of healthcare workers and their psychological resistance during the COVID-19 pandemic process. Advisor: PROF. DR. SERMİN KESEBİR

BETÜL SEDA SUNĞUR (2021). An investigation of social media addiction in adolescents in terms of solitude and peer relations: A study on 15-18 years old adolescent. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  GÜL ERYILMAZ

İLKAY GÜNEY SABANCI (2021). Investigation of the relationship between social media addiction and negative body perception in university students. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. HABİB ERENSOY

ŞULE KESER ASLI (2021). Relationship of birth pattern and childhood traumas with maternal attachment and postpartum depression. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  NERMİN GÜNDÜZ

SÜMEYYE MERVE MADEN (2021). Examination of the relationships between eating disorder and interpersonal problems and difficulties of emotion regulation in young adults. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  CEMAL ONUR NOYAN

DOĞUKAN DEMİREL (2021). Social media addiction and impulsivity relationship. Advisor: PROF. DR. F. GÖKBEN HIZLI SAYAR

ZEYNEP TORAMAN (2021). An investigation of relationship between self psychopathology and impulsivity. Advisor: PROF. DR. SERMİN KESEBİR

EBRU ILGAZ (2021). The relationship between social media addiction with impulsivity and social anxiety in adults. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. ALPER EVRENSEL

ÖYKÜ EVCİL (2021). The association between depression and anxiety levels and cognitive flexibility in firefighters. Advisor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA DUYGU KAYA YERTUTANOL

MELDA PERU (2021). Examination of childhood trauma and social media addiction in persons age 65 over in terms of sociodemografic groups. Advisor: PROF. DR. FERİDE GÖKBEN HIZLI SAYAR

ŞENNUR KIZILKAYA (2021). Analysis of the meaning and purpose of life and depression levels between substance users and non-users. Advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR.  CEMAL ONUR NOYAN


Psikoloji Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, En İyi Araştırma Başarı Belgesi - 2020   

International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Best Clinical Research Award - 2019

Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği, Araştırma İkincilik Ödülü - 2019

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