Philosophy Master's Degree - About

Why the Master’s Program in Philosophy?

It is observed that there is an interest in philosophy with the new existential questions that have emerged with the phenomena of digital revolution and globalization in the world. We also see that numerous higher education institutions include more courses as critical thinking, introduction to philosophy and applied ethics courses in their curricula and that many academics begin to study philosophy anew for the sake of lifelong learning.

Üsküdar University, the Master’s Program in Philosophy has been established with the awareness of this need and has designated its curriculum with a critical and pluralistic perspective.

Besides discussing fundamental philosophical issues that have been questioned throughout the history of philosophy such as existence, nature, life, human, consciousness, knowledge, ethics, and aesthetics, it also provides opportunities to work in contemporary fields such as applied ethics, neuro-philosophy, and environmental philosophy.

Branches Included in the Program:

1) History of Philosophy

2) Systematic Philosophy and Logic

3) History of Turkish-Islamic Thought

What are the courses offered by the Master’s Program in Philosophy?

The courses offered by the Master’s Program in Philosophy are designed to deepen the students' philosophical knowledge and to specialize in certain areas. In addition to courses covering the history of philosophy such as Fundamental Topics in Philosophy, Fundamental Thinkers in the History of Philosophy, Comparative Issues in the History of Philosophy, Selected Topics from Turkish-Islamic Thought, there are courses based on contemporary philosophical debates, such as Current Problems in Philosophy, Philosophy and World Problems, Human Rights and Philosophy, Gender and Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, Philosophy of Emotions, Neuro-science, Neuro-philosophy. In general, the philosophical themes of 'being', 'knowledge', 'science', 'ethics', 'aesthetics', 'mind/consciousness', 'language', 'technology', 'culture', 'value', 'environment', 'neuro-philosophy', 'philosophical counseling', 'hermeneutics' are discussed in detail within the scope of our program.

What are the working areas for the graduates of the Master’s Program in Philosophy?

The Philosophy Master's Program bears the quality of being a requirement for students who aim for an academic career, as it offers high quality of graduate-level education. Students who want to become academics take an important step towards their academic career by discovering their own areas of interest or by gaining a more in-depth knowledge in line with their interests during their education in this program. Moreover, they can later on take part in ethics committees of fields such as health, education, and communication, and work in fields such as copywriting, advertising, publishing, educational consultancy, human resources, and public relations.

Our Students Tell: 'Why Philosophy?'

Introduction of the Philosophy Department

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