International Relations Doctorate Degree (PhD) - Course Content


Compulsory Courses

UI601 - Theories of International Relations (10 ECTS): This course examines in detail the main and contemporary theories of the discipline of international relations. Through the course, contemporary theoretical debates are addressed to understand and interpret the nature of international relations.

UI603 - Scientific Research and Ethics (10 ECTS): In this course, the logic of scientific research in social sciences in particular, the research methods used, academic writing and ethical requirements of scientific research are examined

UI602 - Foreign Policy Analysis (10 ECTS): This course evaluates complex foreign policy events with a focus on the foreign policy-making process and decision makers. The main topics of the course are the factors affecting foreign policy and theoretical tools for foreign policy analysis.

UI604 - Current Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy (10 ECTS): Throughout the course, the historical foundations and current issues of Turkish foreign policy are discussed. In addition, Turkey's place in world politics in the past and present is analyzed.

UI605 - Seminar: In this course, students will make presentations and conduct discussions in order to widen their knowledge of current International Relations issues and to lay the groundwork for their own doctoral work.


Elective Courses

UI607 - International Political Economy (10 ECTS): This course will focus on globalization, the structure and role of international economic institutions, and economic interactions between states and non-state actors in order to understand the role of economics at the international level.

UI609 - Diplomacy in a Changing World (10 ECTS): The course will examine the meaning of institutions and actors of diplomacy, as well as the current practices in contemporary international relations.

UI610 - Power Struggle in the International System (10 ECTS): The course will examine how the international system has evolved from the past to the present through the power struggle among states and the alternatives between crisis, conflict and cooperation.

UI611 - Security Studies (10 ECTS): In this course, the theories developed around the concept of security in international relations will be discussed to understand historical and contemporary security problems. In addition, the practical contributions of this conceptual framework to understanding the main security problems in current international relations will be debated.

UI612 - US Foreign Policy (10 ECTS): This course aims to understand the state and social structure of the United States, an important actor in international relations, along with examining the historical foreign policy choices of the US and its impact on international relations.

UI613 - Foreign Relations of the European Union (10 ECTS): Starting from the historical significance of Europe for international relations, the course discusses the Cold War, European integration process and the current understanding of international relations of the EU member states and EU institutions.

UI614 - International Relations of the Middle East (10 ECTS): In this course, the events that have been the subject of international relations in the Middle East are discussed in depth. In addition, the interaction of the region with Turkish foreign policy is also examined.

UI615 - State, Society and International Relations in Russia and Eurasia (10 ECTS): The course provides an in-depth study of the events that have been the subject of international relations in Russia and Eurasia. In addition, the interaction of the region with Turkish foreign policy is also interpreted.

UI616 - Chinese and Asian Studies (10 ECTS): The course provides an in-depth analysis of the events that have been the subject of international relations in Asia. In addition, the interaction of the region with Turkish foreign policy is also discussed.

UI617 - Politics in Latin America (10 ECTS): In this course, the events that have been the subject of international relations in Latin America are analyzed in depth. In addition, the interaction of the region with Turkish foreign policy is also examined in the course.

UI618 - Turkey and the Turkic States (10 ECTS): In the course, the geography, history, culture and politics of the Turkic states and communities will be explained, the international relations of the Turkic states will be revealed and Turkey-Turkic States relations will be explained.

UI619 - Political and Social Structure of Africa (10 ECTS): The course covers the geography of the African continent, its history, culture and social structure. Within the scope of the course, US-Africa, China-Africa, EU-Africa and Turkey-Africa relations are discussed.

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