Neuromarketing Master's Degree - About

Neuromarketing Program Trains Marketing Communication Professionals

Neuromarketing Master's Program

Neuromarketing was first introduced by Prof. Gerry Zaltman of Harvard University, the first person to apply brain-imaging technology in marketing research, in the late 1990s. Spread rapidly in recent years, prominent corporations all around the world began to use neuromarketing as part of their market research.

Neuromarketing is a discipline that results from the interaction of neuroscience and marketing. The leading reason why neuromarketing is preferred by the marketing communication sector as a discipline is the fact that it can present the reasons that shape consumer behavior with concrete data by eliminating the misleading results of traditional research methods.

With the aid of neuromarketing, we can not only better understand customer preferences and demands, but also put the neurological foundations of social behavior to the test in the real world.

Üsküdar University Leads the Way in Neuromarketing Education in Turkey!

NP İstanbul Brain Hospital is Turkey's first and only neuropsychiatry hospital, established in 2007 by Üsküdar University. As a thematic and specialized university in the field of behavioral health and sciences, Üsküdar University blazed a trail in the neuromarketing education in Turkey. With its high-level technical equipment, psychology, neuroscience and biomedical experts, and esteemed academics Üsküdar University started “Neuromarketing Master's Program” as of February 2014.

Who Can Apply to the Neuromarketing Master's Program?

Anyone holding a 4-year bachelor’s degree can apply. No additional scientific prerequisite coursework is required for the program. Candidates of the thesis program must provide ALES certificate.

What are the career opportunities of Neuromarketing Master’s Program graduates?

Focusing on latest neuromarketing theory and practices, this program aims to provide qualified human resources to the marketing communication sector. Üsküdar University Neuromarketing Master’s Program is the one and only master’s program in the field in Turkey, thus graduates hold an advantageous position in terms of job opportunities.

Graduates may pursue careers as neuromarketing consultants, neuromarketing managers, neuromarketing researchers, product managers, marketing and communications managers, brand strategists, public relations, advertising directors and many more.

How Long Does it Take to Get Master's Degree?

The Master's with thesis is a two-year (four-semester) program and includes submission of a thesis. Non-thesis programs are to be completed in one and a half years (3-semesters) and includes completion of a term project.

What is Neuromarketing?

Today, most of the tech giant companies implement different techniques to understand consumer behavior. One of the most effective ways to learn about consumer behavior is to apply neuromarketing strategies. Neuromarketing is implemented by interpreting the data obtained as a result of statistical analyzes that require expertise with high technology neuroimaging tools together with marketing and neuroscience experts.

Neuromarketing is a multidisciplinary field that requires knowledge in the fields of neuroscience and marketing. Our Master's program offers theoretical and practical Neuromarketing training in the fields of neuroscience and marketing. The program focuses on Neuromarketing technologies such as EEG, GSR and Eye Tracking. Students will be equipped with the ability to carry out neuromarketing experiments and develop effective marketing strategies after they completed the program.

In Which Areas is Neuromarketing Used?

Neuromarketing, which emerged from the interaction of neuroscience and marketing, is a valuable field of research that not only as a field that enables determining the needs and choices of the consumer or their perception of the brand, but also enables us to test the biological foundations of human social behavior in real life. Neuromarketing can be used to understand the mental processes and emotional reactions of the consumer, the structural functioning of the brain, the decision-making process of the consumer when purchasing a product, the effects of communication strategies on the target audience, and the creation of campaigns and marketing strategies. Moreover, it is used in consumer behavior and marketing, globalization, sports, advertising, gender, computer games, cosmetics, fashion, product placement, website design, political perception analysis and technology research related to brands, and aims to provide the most appropriate quality service concept for the target audience.

What are Neuromarketing Techniques?

Techniques such as Functional Magnetic Imaging (fMRI), Electroencephalography (EEG), Galvanic Skin Conductivity (GSR) and Eye Tracking are used in neuromarketing studies with the aim to understand the unconscious of feelings and thoughts of the consumer, to design products and advertisements more effectively and to create marketing strategies.

What are Examples of Neuromarketing?

There are various methods used to analyze the brain activity of consumers and to develop more effective strategies in marketing products or services. Measuring consumer reactions to digital content of an advertising campaign through an electroencephalography (EEG) device or using the Eye tracking method to understand the interaction of a product packaging are examples of neuromarketing that guide marketing and sales strategies for the target audience by producing results that cannot be obtained with traditional research methods. Since a large portion of consumer behavior is driven by non-rational processes, a more accurate explanation of consumer behavior can be obtained through a better understanding of the human mind.

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