Sociology Master's Degree - Course Content

Classical Sociological Theories (SOS501) / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, the basic concepts that make up the main elements of modern sociology and the development of these concepts will be discussed. For this purpose, the studies of the main classical theorists will be studied from a sociological perspective.

Contemporary Sociological Theories (SOS507) / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

Contemporary sociological theories that emerged in the second half of the 20th century will be discussed. Contemporary sociological theories will be evaluated according to their assumptions, coherence, and political/social consequences. It is aimed to teach the historical development of the main theories of contemporary sociology and their relations with each other.

Research Methods and Ethics in Sociology (SOS503) / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

It is aimed to train social scientists who know qualitative and quantitative research methods within the framework of ethical rules, and question what kind of thinking dominates in research. The aim is for students to have knowledge about the relationship between theory and practice, various data collection and analysis techniques, and presentation of findings.

Selective Courses:

Current Debates in Political Sociology / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

This course covers the current theoretical developments in the field of political sociology. These theories, which have developed since the 19th century, will be examined in relation to the continuity and social changes in social institutions and political processes. The overall aim of the course is to emphasize the importance of thinking critically about society and cultures and to apply the critical methods of sociology to historical and everyday political issues.

Daily Life in the Modern Society / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to evaluate daily life within a holistic theoretical framework and to reach certain results on its problems. Tracing everyday life in general sociological theories, critical analysis of theories about daily life, and discussion of recent research are among the contents of this course.

International Migration and Multiculturalism / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to examine the theoretical foundations of the sociology of migration; international migration movements; the causes and consequences in terms of countries, emigration, and immigrants; and the management of external migrations that have global, national, and especially local effects in terms of sociological, economic, political, legal, and administrative aspects. It is also aimed to gain the necessary basic information, a multidisciplinary perspective and analysis skills for developing strategies.

New Theories in the Sociology of Work and Labor / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to examine the changing meanings of work, to discuss social classes and the transformation of labor relations in Turkey, and to discuss the future of work in this context. Within the scope of this course, the historical development and change of paid work, theories of the labor process, and the relations between labor and gender will be discussed.

Advanced Readings in the Sociology of Knowledge / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

How the authority uses knowledge will be discussed by examining the relations between knowledge and social theory, the power of knowledge and power, the emergence of knowledge forms. It is aimed to comprehend the hierarchy among knowledge types and to examine the role of knowledge in different societies.

Poststructuralism, Deconstructivism  and Feminist Theory / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of the course is to teach and discuss the sub-theories of feminist theory, which has different interactive or contradictory schools, benefiting from poststructuralist philosophy studies. For this purpose, the studies of feminist criticism that include the deciphering of women's discourse by turning to the criticism of language and thought and the studies showing a political and theoretical orientation in this direction will be examined.

Family in the Processes of Socio-cultural Changes / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The modernization process has brought about a decrease in family relations in many cultures. The imbalance in family structure, such as divorce and the increase in the number of single-parent children, causes fear. Despite these changes in the structure of the family, the family maintains many important functions for the individual and society. The aim of this course is to evaluate the theoretical approaches on family and family structures and policies in Turkey and the world from a comparative and historical perspective.

Current Problems in Turkish Sociology / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to make students examine the problems of sociology in general, the problems of Turkish sociology, and the problems of sociology education in Turkey with a critical and synthetic approach; to make them able to examine, interpret, and evaluate the determinations and solution proposals regarding the current social problems of today's Turkey (education, language, terrorism, globalization, etc.) in Turkish sociology.

Contemporary Social and Political Problems in Turkey / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to reveal the social and political problems depending on the social change experienced by the Turkish society in the contemporary period, and to gain the ability to comprehend and analyze current problems in the context of theories.

Gender Studies / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The social and cultural transformation of gender will be discussed theoretically. The forms of emergence of the concept of gender, and the areas of intersection with other social categories such as race, ethnicity, nationalism, and class will be explored. The concept of gender will be analyzed within the framework of institutions and social processes.

New Social Movements / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, examining the emergence processes of new social movements such as feminist movement, ecology movement, minority movements, anti-nuclear movements, which are different from the old class-based movements, it is aimed to interpret the relations of these movements with each other and with social changes.

Poverty and Social Policy in the Neoliberal World / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to understand the social and economic conditions of the neoliberal world, to examine the concept of social policy that emerged as a need as a result of these conditions, and to produce policy on the role that social policy tools can play in solving socio-economic problems.

Advanced Readings in Social Theory / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to make in-depth readings about classical and modern theories and to explain these theories by exemplifying current events. It is aimed to provide students with the opportunity to analyze modern theories with in-depth discussions. It is aimed to develop the students' critical skills by teaching them classical and contemporary theories comparatively.

Current Issues in Sociology and Social Theory / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, prominent problems in contemporary society will be discussed from a sociological perspective. The future direction of socioeconomic and cultural changes in developed industrial societies and their effects on developing countries will be discussed.

New Approaches in Urban Studies / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, the relationship between social theory and urbanization, contemporary urban theories, industrialization and urbanization problems will be discussed. The concept of the city will be approached from a socio-spatial perspective. The relations of urbanization with other fields such as gender, economy, culture, and politics will be examined.

Social History and Memory / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to deal with social memory, making sense of the past and cultural production areas from a sociological perspective, associated with sociological theories and methods.

Identity, Ethnicity, and Minorities in Turkey / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of the course is to examine the prevailing social identity models in certain periods, to explain the factors affecting these models and to analyze the stages of social identity in Turkey. By examining the differences between ethnic identity and national, religious, and political identities, it is aimed that students gain an objective perspective on problematics of ethnicity and minority issues.

Body, Health, and Society / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to examine how physical experiences are shaped and changed according to different cultural and social structures; to show how it is affected by social processes and how it is socially produced. The relationship between social problems and health problems will be discussed and the social dimensions of the concepts of illness and health will be examined.

Recent Social History of Turkey / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course, in which the social changes and transformations that have taken place in Turkey since the foundation of the Republic will be discussed, is to train students who can critically interpret the social, political, economic, and cultural dynamics in Turkey with a sociological perspective. Within the scope of this course, economic and social changes in Turkey with industrialization, gender, and women in Turkey, the place of religion in social life, social movements that have changed in the last period will be examined.

Advanced Readings on Science and Society / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to consider science and scientific activities as a social phenomenon and to study social structures and processes that affect scientific activities. The interaction of science and social, political, economic and historical factors will be discussed.

Current Subjects in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, it is aimed to explain the relationship between cultural structure and social structure, to teach theories about the role of culture in the functioning of social structure, and to teach applied and comparative research models.

Social Representations in Cinema / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, social groups and actions will be discussed in relation to new forms and practices of representation types. The concepts of mass culture and high culture, the politics of culture and representation, the representation of different social groups in the cinema will be discussed according to different cultural codes.

Sociology of Environment and Ecology / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to learn the classical and contemporary urbanization theories and to evaluate the current urban processes from a sociological perspective. It is aimed that students will be able to analyze urbanization and environmental problems and develop policy proposals, learn ecological movements, and comprehend social theories and methods related to ecology.

Sports and Social Life / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of the course is to reveal the relations of sports phenomenon with other social institutions and the ties it establishes with different groups and categories. In this course, sports will be discussed as an institution and a social phenomenon; formal and purposeful differentiations in sports will be explained by considering education, culture and social change processes.

Arts and Society / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The development of modern art and its relationship with social theories is the main focus of this course. The interaction between the sociology of art and the philosophy of art will be examined, and the recent studies in this field in Turkey will be discussed.

Identity and Social Structure in the Middle East / Credit: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of the course is to examine the sociological structures of the countries in the Middle East and their relations with each other. Basically, national, ethnic, and sectarian identities in the region and their construction processes will be discussed.

Comparative Studies on Religion and Society / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

It is aimed to describe religion as a social institution and phenomenon, and to examine how the relations between religion and individual, social, cultural, economic, and political life are reshaped in the modernization process. In this course, especially in Turkey, the contemporary forms of religion will be examined from a social and interreligious perspective.

Sociology of Culture: High Culture, Popular Culture, and Subculture / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of the course is to inform students about theoretical approaches to culture and concepts related to culture. Culture and general concepts related to culture, intercultural interaction, cultures and basic theories about globalization are the main subjects of this course.

Academic Writing in Social Sciences / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

It is aimed to teach the basic information about converting and presenting the findings obtained by various data collection and analysis techniques into an academic literature in an appropriate format.

Crime, Deviance, and Violence / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of the course is to examine crime and deviance from a sociological perspective, explaining their relations with social institutions such as social change, culture, urbanization, poverty, media, and examining different types of violence. It is aimed for the student to comprehend the relationship between crime and social variables and to explain different types of violence with sociological theories.

Youth Studies / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

In this course, students will focus on the social developments that shaped youth movements and the different musical cultures that accompany today's youth cultures, going to nightclubs, backpacking, and computer games/web-surfing, and will focus on their short and long-term effects on youth and intergenerational relations.

Media-Society Relationality: Continuity and Changes / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to examine the media and society phenomena within the framework of their relations with each other, and to examine the effects of the media on social transformations. The reproduction of media tools and their effects as a result of social changes is also one of the focus points of the course.

Aging in a Changing World / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to consider the aging process as a social process and phenomenon, contrary to the perception that sees the phenomenon of old age as a problem; The aim of this study is to examine the changing family structures and lifestyles with the changing world and to discuss their relationship with old age. It is aimed to explain the effects of industrialization, urbanization, developments in health technologies on the perception of old age and life styles with social theories.

Transformation of Intimate Relationships and Society / Credits: 3 ECTS: 6

The aim of this course is to understand how the love and private relations, which are the smallest social movements formed by the coming together of two people, change in the social structure, gain meaning and relate to the culture. Within the scope of the course, the relations between the changes in the production systems in the world and in Turkey and the relationship between love, marriage, and family institutions will be examined.

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