Visual Communication Design Doctorate Degree (PhD) - About

About Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program

Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program combines communication sciences, art, and design. It is known that communication sciences, especially media studies, are intertwined with art, aesthetics, and design. In addition to mass media such as cinema and television, which predominates visually, the visual design constitutes the character of communication tools such as newspapers, magazines, and books. In today's world, where digital technologies dominate all media, it is observed that visual design brings important opportunities for the field of communication. The field of communication has become penetrated almost all sections of human and social life by using the opportunity of visual design. Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program also aims to train communication scientists, media professionals, and designers who are strong in communication, design, and art. The academic infrastructure areas of the program are communication sciences, visual communication design, cinema and television, journalism, new media, cultural studies, graphic arts, cartoons and animation, and advertising, where education and training activities are carried out at the undergraduate, and graduate level. Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program is also fed from other branches of social sciences, and artistic fields.

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Curriculum Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program

Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program consists of courses, seminars, and research studies that will form the theoretical and methodological basis for the field of visual communication design. In the program, which is based on the theories and research that form the basis of interactive media, desktop publishing, new media design, and animation applications based on visual communication and communication arts, both the theoretical foundations of design will be examined interdisciplinary research methods. It is based on an important gap in design theory, communication, and design researchs’.

Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program includes Visual Communication and Communication Arts.

Visual Arts: Within the scope of this discipline, which constitutes another important section of the Visual Communication Design Doctorate Program, typography research, data visualization and infographics, interactive media research, animation cinema, service and service design, medical animation, usability and user experience design, industry graphics, design for the disabled, educational material design, etc topics are covered.

Visual Communication Design: Within the scope of this discipline, which constitutes an important section of the Visual Communication Design Ph.D. Program, subjects such as a method in communication studies, critical methodological approaches in communication, image and visual semiotics, digital culture, transmedia narratives, design management and strategy, interdisciplinary approach in design, innovation in communication design are discussed.

Who Can Apply to the Visual Communication Design Ph.D Program?

In order to apply to the program, it is necessary to have a master's degree with a thesis from one of the communication or design programs such as communication sciences, visual communication design, cartoon animation, new media and communication, journalism, cinema and television, advertising, public relations, graphic design, and communication arts. Graduates of master's programs other than the field of Visual Communication design are required to take a scientific preparatory course from the Visual Communication Design Master's Program if necessary.

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Work Areas of Graduates

Visual Communication Design Ph.D. graduates can work as academicians in communication faculties, faculties of fine arts, faculties of art and design or schools of visual communication design or related fields. In addition, graduates of the program can work as designers, communication consultants, producers, etc. in sectors such as television, cinema, journalism, and advertising. In addition, there is a need for strong communication specialists in addition to design in all institutions and organizations in both the public and private sectors. There are significant job opportunities for those who have completed their doctorate in this field.

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