Neuromarketing Master's Degree - Mission and Vision


The Neuromarketing Master’s Program aims to provide qualified human resources to the marketing communication sector by educating the neuromarketing experts who are demanded in the professional market. Our main missions are to educate neuromarketing experts who are knowledgeable about the history, prestige and ethics of the brain and functional processes, have extensive knowledge of neuromarketing techniques, equipped with neuroscience tools and better marketing strategies.


The vision of this program takes into account the needs of our country with the scientific infrastructure and practical applications in the field of marketing communications and neuromarketing, the changing and evolving world economy conditions. Obtain a different approach to marketing and business management, to respond to the professional needs in the field. Vision is to be a stakeholder in all decision-making processes related to neuromarketing communication and train professionals who have a say in all strategic decision-making processes in this field.

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