Public Relations and Advertising Master's Degree - Mission and Vision


The main mission of the Public Relations and Advertising Master's Program is to provide students with the theoretical knowledge that will enable them to follow the developments in the sector in the field of public relations and advertising, and to allow qualified thesis and project studies based on this. The program has a mission to train academicians in the field of public relations and advertising. It is the important mission of this program for professionals who will practice public relations and advertising to make applications based on scientific foundations, to be aware of the philosophy of public relations and advertising and to follow new developments. In addition, those who complete their master's degrees in the program can also do a doctorate in various fields of social sciences.


The Public Relations and Advertising Master's Program aims to train public relations and advertising professionals and academics who can manage change and transformation by developing original and innovative ideas with the innovations of digital technologies. Moreover, Public Relations and Advertising Master's Program aims to cooperate with programs abroad in a short time in terms of its similarity with other programs that provide the same education at the international level. It has been defined as the vision for the program to gain international brand value in a short time through interaction ways such as Erasmus, bilateral agreements, research partnership, joint congress, conference etc.

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