Clinical Psychology Master's Degree - About

Clinical Psychology Master's Program Aims to Educate Qualified Psychologists

What is a Clinical Psychology Master's Program?

The clinical psychology master's program is a master’s degree program which gives bachelor of psychology and psychological counseling and guidance the authority to work as a clinician in a private sector or in a hospital and gives they the title of clinical psychologist.

The program aims to educate professionals who are equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in order to become a clinical psychologist and have a social and ethical responsibility. In terms of clinical skills, students are trained in psychotherapy and psychological evaluation fields under intensive supervision.
The psychologists who will receive a master's degree in clinical psychology will have a solid foundation in terms of knowledge and skills in the following subjects:

  • Psychotherapy relationship and clinical interview techniques
  • Professional ethics
  • Psychopathological evaluation
  • Psychological assessment (tests): Cognitive and personality dimensions
  • Psychotherapy (psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic and group)
  • Research methods

Scientific Data Supported by Field Practice

The Department of Clinical Psychology Master’s Degree gives our students the opportunity to grow up in the field and have the necessary equipment by providing practical facilities in the hospital environment. Our training staff consists of doctors and psychologists of the NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital. In a modern learning environment where scientific data are supported by field practice, world-class education quality is offered.

(*** In accordance with the decision of the rectorate, only graduates of Psychology, Guidance and Psychological Counseling and graduates of Medicine will be accepted for Clinical Psychology Master’s Degree Program.)

 What are the Courses Taken in the Clinical Psychology Master’s Degree Program?

Clinical psychology master's program aims to educate psychologists both in Turkey and in the world as practitioners and researchers. For this reason, Üsküdar University planned courses in both thesis and non-thesis programs within this framework. The courses cover a wide range of different psychotherapy methods, psychopathological processes, diagnostic measurements, neuroscientific contents and scientific research methods as the main category. The Psychophysiological Foundations of Behavior, Psychopharmacology, Psychopathology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, Group Psychotherapies, Positive Psychology and Supervision courses are are carried out by  experts and academicians who are competent in the field. It has an educational approach that closely follows the latest version of information and the latest developments in neuroscience and technology.

 The Aim of Clinical Psychology Master’s Program

The aim of the department is to identify and eliminate the problems observed in emotions and behaviors, contribute to the understanding of cultural pathologies by evaluating from the perspective of our country, reflect eclectic theories to practical area, integrate the psychology applications and research with neuroscience opportunities.

In addition, the program aims to provide the students with the opportunity to conduct scientific research and present their master's thesis/projects as a scientific product in a publishable format. The equipment to be obtained in the program will provide the appropriate infrastructure for the students who would like to get a PhD degree in the field of Clinical Psychology.

Who can Apply for a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology?

 In accordance with the decision of the rectorate, only graduates of Psychology, Guidance and Psychological Counseling and graduates of Medicine will be accepted for Clinical Psychology Master’s Degree Program.

What are the Working Areas of Graduates of Clinical Psychology Master's Degree Program?

The clinical psychologists, with their scientific, professional knowledge and competence, are trained and raised to improve and develop the science of psychology, their professional practices, quality of these practices and improve their well-being. The clinical psychologists are involved in research and teaching, supervision, program development and evaluations, consultancy, public order, professional practice as well as projects and applications that contribute to the psychological health of individuals, families, groups and institutions.

The clinical psychologists can play an active role in a wide range of areas ranging from preventive practices, early intervention, simple adaptation problems, noncompliance problems, to hospital admission in order to prevent mental illness at the beginning.

The psychologists who have the right to work in the clinical field can work directly with people by using different types of assessment and intervention methods in all developmental processes according to their area of specialization. In clinical psychology, valuation is used to identify the emergence, causes and possible effects of a person's discomfort, individual, social disabilities and psychological factors associated with physical, behavioral, emotional, nerve and mental processes. The personal assessment, clinical story-listening, behavioral assessments, measurement and interpretation of mental ability, inherited tendencies, individual characteristics and other individual experiences and behaviors related to discomfort are taken into consideration in the evaluation criteria.

The intervention in clinical psychology is aimed at preventing and regulating emotional conflicts, personality disorders, psychopathology, and loss of competence due to underlying disorder or confusion. The psychotherapy in confiscation; psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, couple therapies, family therapies, group therapies, rehabilitation, EMDR, therapies focused on short-term solutions, schema therapies, transactional analysis and social learning theories are some of the basic approaches used. The aim of this application is to increase the quality of life, satisfaction of life and harmony with social order by activating the mental function of the person.

What are the Working Areas of Clinical Psychologists?

  • Private Offices
  • Mental Health Units
  • Health Care Delivery
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Legal Systems
  • Medical Systems
  • Consulting Centers
  • In Government Offices
  • Military service
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