Prof. Dr. Cihat Abaoğlu Medical Skill Training Laboratory

Humanistic training methods aim to ensure, that medical interventions are repeated before they are applied to human beings until adequate mastery is gained on human-like models.

For this reason, Medical Skills Training Laboratory has been established in our Faculty of Medicine.

After a sudden death due to a heart attack etc., the basic life support, to be applied in the early period is a medical intervention with a life-saving effect. It is critical to implement this method in a timely and accurate manner. Therefore, adult, child, and baby models are found in the laboratory, where every student can repeat this skill until it is been mastered.

Taking blood, medication, serum, etc. Intravenous intervention to administer is a critical medical method. For this purpose, adult, child, infant type models are provided for the use in student education. Intra-arterial, intramuscular, intradermal, and subcutaneous injection models are also available in the laboratory.

Models of adults, children, and babies are available for intratracheal intubation applications.

Nasogastric catheter, urine catheter application models, blood pressure arterial measurement model, arm and leg models for surgical suturing, are prepared for the education of our students with all necessary equipment and consumables.

Following the basic principle of "First don't harm!", all its documentation has been completed and made ready for service.

Envanter eklenmemiş.
Assistant Professor

Faculty of Medicine / Head of Family Medicine Department

Özgeçmiş Ayhan ÖZŞAHİN / (0216) 400 2222 : 3051