Üsküdar University will make the Brain Map of the Middle East

Üsküdar University and the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) Association became strategic partners within the framework of the program "Brain Research through developing innovative Neurotechnology Initiative" which is defined as "Fabulous new American project" which was allocated 100 million dollars by the US President Barack Obama.

On May 19, 2015,  Rector of the Üsküdar University Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan met with "Developing Innovative Brain Research through Neurotechnology' Initiative" Committee Chairman  at The White House in Washington DC and signed the protocol to represent Turkey in the project.

Within the Protocol, Brain Map of the Middle East studies will be held under the leadership of the Üsküdar University.

With this project, brain researches, brain mapping studies, disease prevention and lowering  the cost of brain diseases are aimed.

Üsküdar University, under the Representation of  "BRAIN", will hold the "Brain Researches Symposium" on 11 November 2015 with the participation of Brain Initiative Commission.

Results from the symposium will also be shared in Antalya  at the G20 summit in November 2015. In this framework , the Rector Prof.Tarhan and his delegation will attend the 11-12 June in Dubai "Pre-G20 Summit Middle East Initiative Brain Mapping" meeting. Üsküdar University Rector Prof.Tarhan, in his statement on the subject, said :

21st century will be the century of "brain”. 

BRAIN project aims  to make the best possible map of the brain with an interdisciplinary team work. Consequently it is aimed, to improve the treatment of brain-related diseases such as, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy and traumatic brain injury, and to prevent these diseases.

In parallel to this pursuit, these research results will simulate the brain  with a better understanding of the functions of the brain mechanisms and stimulate innovation through new technologies .  It is thought this will lead to the creation of new jobs and increase economic growth. Within the framework of our interviews with the White House  and under  the protocol signed with  Brain Initiative Commission the Üsküdar University became the representative of this project in Turkey.

Since our establishment  we are conducting  continuous and intensive studies for "Understanding Human" through a  Behavioral Sciences-oriented education.

We are moving quickly and strongly towards our goal to become the Brain Center of  Turkey. As a young and new university it is our pride and honor to have received this representation. After this stage, our first job will be to prepare a preliminary study for the G20 summit. We are excited to undertake such a task and we now  have  much bigger tasks to pursue. We hope such successful enterprise will pave the way to others for our country.